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    I am on my 10th day AF. Joined you about that much time ago too. I want to drink moderately rather than be abstinant. It's been quite interesting to have realised how much I miss the relaxation and 'cut off' from my days as a mother that the nightly wine drinking gave me. Felt it so strongly last night. Got ANOTHER in a long succession of notes home from my son's teacher about his behaviour at school. I felt so worn out with the school problems, and discussions. Something inside me just craved a bottle of wine. Just so wanted to shut down, switch off, mellow out. Didn't give in. Something I know I should feel proud of. But curiously, I don't know if I care whether I remain AF for 30 days or whether knowing I can do it this long is enough for me. Have had a permenant stress-induced headache all day. (Kids are on half days on Weds where I live) so have had them with me, bickering intermittantly since noon. I ache for the shut off I know a bottle of wine could bring me tonight.


    Hi Cookinghappy,

    If I were you I would try and stay AF, however I had some wine on my 17 the day. You will feel much better in the morning if you don't drink.

    You've probalbly been asked these questions before, but do you use the supps or cd's. The cd's are brilliant and i'm told that the supps are as well xx



      Hi Cooking,
      I have soooo been there. I'm at day 39 (never dreamed I'd do 30 much less be aiming for 100) and have to say that I handle stress so much better when I'm sober. Yes, I mellow out with the booze but the next day I feel like crap and am bitchy. My "be nice" meds work so much better without the alcohol interference. Have a cup of tea, do something fun with the kids, find something great to cook (I'm assuming you like to do that? I do.) and remind yourself how well you've done!!

      Congrats on 10 days -- that is super!
      Mama T.
      Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007



        Woo Hoooooooo!!! Hooray for day 10 Cookie.....:h

        Sometimes, when my daughter was just off on one...I would turn the stereo WAAAYYY up loud with an old 50's or 60's hit a playing on the turntable...and would dance like a fruitloop round the front room for a while.....she would always stop the hullabaloo and stare, and then join in...we would swing each other round like mad things, and then collapse on the sofa guffawing........released a LOT of tension, and always brought a smile to the faces of the melon and mini melon......

        KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!! gotta love em (although sometimes through a blinding headache and a set of gritted gnashers!!!)

        I don't want to dictate, you know you best after all, but maybe try staying abs for the month before you settle yourself into your mods program...try and get the body and mind a bit clearer of the boozy's usually easier to start fresh that way..
        Think carefully about what you need to achieve, and perhaps don't use a stressy period to see if mods is for you....if you're anything like me, stress will sink the level in that bottle Waaaaayyyy too much for it to be called moderating...also, you're sort of picking the wrong 'reason' to drink...I don't mod, but I reckon if I did, moderating should be about drinking a wine for the sake of enjoying the wine, a an accompaniment...not as the whole show...

        As I have no ides wot I am talking about where mods is concerned though, you are more than welcome to flick me the bird, and tell me to bury the melonhead in the sand...:H

        You're doing GREAT Cookie......keep that sober head my girl...try and think wot the noises of the 'cherubs' would sound like through a hangover!





          You are right. I probably shouldn't test moderation out if I want to use the booze as a stress buster. I guess really wine should be there to make a good moment better, not to make a bad moment good.
          My husband said "If you want to drink tonight I won't stop you", but if you don't and you are having a hard time I'll listen to you and try to support you. If however, you choose to drink and can't face yourself in the morning I won't want to have you calling me at work sorrowfully regretting your decision. That helped too. He is such a supportive and tolerant man. It's not really fair to expect him to watch me get drunk and fall asleep on the sofa (it must have a horrid affect on him), and then have to listen to me whingeing the next day.

          If I had the energy (just got back from the park) I'd try the dancing round the sitting room to music idea. The children would be delighted. (They are 6, 8 and 11). I'll try it sometime soon.

          Thank you for listening and being there. This solidarity is really amazing. I'm moved by it.

