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Almost 24 hrs AF

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    Almost 24 hrs AF

    Well I wrote my first thread this morning and havent gotten much work done today at the office due to being on this site all day and reading everyones stories and thoughts...what inspiration.
    Now it is time for me to go home, usually I stop and see my favorite bartender and have a few glasses of wine before I go home, not tonight! I am gonna go home play with my puppy and get back here. I am sure it will be a stressful evening once my husband comes home and we discuss our relationship and where it is going. It is either over or in need of some major repair, I really cant say much as I have done all the damage, so I guess it is his decision. Whatever happens I will TRY and stay strong and keep AF.
    At least I know I have you all to talk to and that is comforting!

    Thanks so much,
    We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!

    Almost 24 hrs AF

    You can do it Barbie and you will feel so great in the morning. This site does get very addictive so plan your days around it!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Almost 24 hrs AF

      I have two dogs myself, great stress relievers they are. All they want is for you to love them and to love you back. No matter how bad my day is when I walk through the door and they are going up the wall with excitement to see me, I smile. Have fun with your puppy and I hope it all goes well with you tonight. I can't imagine the pain of a divorce, so I definetely don't want to see you going through one of those. And congrats on the not stopping at the Pub!!! Yah for you!!!!


        Almost 24 hrs AF

        Very glad you are here and making these efforts to get you back in your life. alcohol makes nothing better...and as many of us know it ruins lives, families, jobs, futures....

        We are all here for you. and God loves you too and is able to help you...just ask Him...

        Best wishes...
        Control the Mind


          Almost 24 hrs AF

          Hey Barbie,
          I wish you well.
          Stay strong!


            Almost 24 hrs AF

            Hi Barbie. Welcome and good luck and well done and starting to be AF is so positive. Take it easy.


              Almost 24 hrs AF

              Hi Barbie, thinking of you and hoping it goes right for you, well done on the AF as well....
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                Almost 24 hrs AF

                Hi Barbie..your life seems tough at the moment and no douby it will get tougher if you drink today...why not set a goal and get a plan in place for today??

                do something kind for yourself....dive into a bubble bath, l....relax

                go walk for 20 minutes...FAST! Start Making plans for the Barbie you know went to a dark place but now has found a glimmer of hope.

                sorry the relationship is rocky..but staying sober today will improve your confidence in you and up goes the self esteem...

                go girl...we are here to support you.

                regards Cassy


                  Almost 24 hrs AF

                  Hi Barbie,
                  You've taken the first step of a very tough journey...good for you! :goodjob:
                  Keep up the great's so worthwhile.
                  Good luck
                  Victoria xxooxx


                    Almost 24 hrs AF

                    Good for you!!

                    Hi Barbie,
                    Well done on the thread writing. Keep it up. This is a great place with lots of great people.
                    Reach deep, find your will power.


                      Almost 24 hrs AF

                      Hi Barbie. I hope things go well for you tonight. These first few days can be very confusing and difficult to manage, but soon you will be feeling so much better. Try not to burden yourself with too much until you are feeling a little better and more able to handle the stress. I wish you luck this evening. I will be waiting to hear from you.
                      :rays: mdb :rays:

                      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                      Lots of work yet to do!


                        Almost 24 hrs AF

                        Hi, real glad you made a decision to go and play with you puppy! Nothing like a puppy licking your face and its cute breath! Ya know, I was having problems with my husband and I have to say you think a drink will help but, no it does not. Alcohol needs to come out of the relationship and then things get better and start to click! It is happening to me right now. So, I am glad to see you went straight home....very good for you! Best of luck to you....


                          Almost 24 hrs AF

                          Hi im new here

                          Not sure how this board works yet so if im posting in the wrong section let me off this time. Ive never looked for help like this before but cant go to doctors and speak openly to anyone anymore. I wake up each morning feeling like crap but do still try to make a go of the day, i do well till about 3pm it slowly goes downhill from there. Im just so scared of losing those close to me coz of my drinking they dont realize how much i need it id be gutted if i lost all that for booze, hoping you guys might be able to help me through this:new:


                            Almost 24 hrs AF

                            Hi must,
                            Welcome! Lots of friends, help and support here. You did just fine. Everybody is new once. Come back and post again.
                            Reach deep, find your will power.


                              Almost 24 hrs AF

                              Barbie, hang in there, great job to just head home. excellent advise above. Be kind to yourself this evening, take it all slow on the loading stress on. AF days will get you through to a better place! You can do this!

                              Mustlovedogs - LOVE THAT MOVIE!! You also came to the right place, you can find a lot of information and a game plan to a healthier you right here.

                              :welcome: to both of you!!


