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starting out..

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    starting out..

    Well just typing those words and logging on today is a beginning. My username describes me.. I do not drink before 5,(ok well unless on vacation and its just for lunch with my husband one glass of wine) BUT I will look at the clock ,sometimes at three. then four.. four thirty.. is it 5 Yet!..and then oddly enough I will get busy with something and wow then its 5:30.. The time has passed.. But of course I still have my wine.. I am in the pattern now of sitting down ,reading my book, in my favorite chair with a glass,or two ..of wine.. then I make dinner,with a glass of wine.. and then eat dinner.. I of course need another.. Then we watch TV or a movie.. I love our sofa and to sit there with my husband and dog.. and my glass of wine.. So what am I up to now.. Mostly these days 4.. sometimes 4.5.. 5 on a weekend etc.. I do a spin class at 8:30 always it seems with a headache.. I thought the class would make me cut back.. I guessed wrong.. I would like to have 2 to 2.5 glasses a night.. and some nights none.. ( I cant even imagine!) I have sent away for the book, cds and vitamins.. Im not in the place to do the drugs now as well.. at least mentally. Too many other other things going on.. So I thought I would try it without first. Well thats me.. Glad you are all out there. :new:

    starting out..

    Hi there 5 o'clock, you are in the right place, have a look at Newbies Nest where everybody seems to start. The majority would like to sit and have a civilised glass of wine of an evening, very few find it possible.

    Me? I am without a "full" indicator and will drink till I collapse so decided not to any more. Settle into the Newbies Nest and see what will work for you.

    Good luck and :welcome:
    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


      starting out..

      Hi 5!

      We're glad you've found us. Believe me when I say that most of us came here hoping that one day we could have "1 or 2" drinks. Never in my life have I had 1 or 2...they always turned into 12 or 15. I'm not saying that CAN'T happen for you, it's just rare (if even possible). I know it seems daunting to think of a night without drinking, but it CAN be done. I did it and never thought I would. Yes I started over many, many times, but eventually my quit "stuck".

      Please stick close and keep reading and posting. Head over to the Newbies Nest for lots of support!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        starting out..

        Welcome, 5-
        Many of us started where you are right now; some wanted to quit tottally, other jsst to moderate. The important part is you have come to a conclusion you don't like where your life and Alcohol are right now.
        So read, post, laugh, cry. let us know your thoughts and fears, your celebrations and your sadness.
        There is lots of support and understanding here.
        Welcome again!

        ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


          starting out..

          Hi, 5 o'clock somewhere,

          I thought I'd join in on welcoming you. I identify with you. I didn't really count my glasses of wine. I just usually drank 3/4s to the whole bottle each night. Now I don't. My life has changed in so many ways. Yay! I wish you all the best.


            starting out..

            Hello 5,
            I'm new as well. I just sent away for the cd's as well today. I'll be hoping all helps the both of us and any others trying.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              starting out..

              you are me!! Or at least what I used to be....I never drank before 5pm either....and I would start thinking about it at 3. I was a bottle of wine a night person....I couldn't just leave a little bit in the bottle...I HAD to finish it. And then toward the end I would sometimes open another bottle, pour another glass.....and then sometimes I would pour that BACK in the bottle out of disgust.
              I always spin in the morning....8am class. I used to have a headache and felt HORRIBLE during the class. ....but it did help the hangover....
              NOW, when I spin, I have SO MUCH energy and I LOVE the class!!!!
              I also enjoy the confidence of knowing I will always remember the conversations I had with my husband and kids the night before, I don't have to REWATCH TV shows (that are ususally a waste of time to begin with) and I can READ at night....I have about 4 more hours of my day back!
              I just won't anymore


                starting out..

                5 o'clock,

                Yep, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, but it is also time to go to sleep somewhere. One can't do anything but sleep when it's sleep time.

                Right now I'll go beddybye and wake up to an Alcohol free day, thanks to my friends on MyWayOut.



                  starting out..

                  Hi Jenniech.
                  It is nice to see you.

                  Hi K9. It is nice to see you.

                  Whew this was a hard day for me.



                    starting out..

                    Hi Sam,
                    I am supposed to be sleeping, but I couldn't sleep without saying welcome.

                    Share and post and read tool box and resources.



                      starting out..

                      thelaststraw;1492790 wrote: Hi Sam,
                      I am supposed to be sleeping, but I couldn't sleep without saying welcome.

                      Share and post and read tool box and resources.

                      Thanks for the welcome.
                      This is actually pretty hard for me to engage. I am pretty shy/embarrassed to open up though I really appreciate those who can. I am a solitary drinker who wants to quit badly.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        starting out..

                        So is everyone else here SamJust hang around ,get to know people and post when you need
                        help.plenty of good advice to be had.:welcome:
                        AF since october 8th 2012:new

                        How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                          starting out..

                          Dear Sam and 5 o'clock,
                          In addition to the Newbies' Nest, there are a group of people working toward an AF April. While we are already midway through the month, you are welcome to join in -- many people know exactly how you feel because we are either there, or have been there. You are among a caring community.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

