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I am so angry

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    I am so angry


    My life is a mess i feel like i am about to explode or break down at any time , i argue with just about everyone i come in contact with and upset many of these people from my partner, my children , my crew, other company`s it shocking after i argue with people and get angry i feel so pissed off with myself that i have done so.

    I know its not the real me but of course i am the only one who can change this

    I try each day to improve but its not enough

    I feel tired all the time and feel i just need a break , but i have a family and Responsibility`s , people who count on me so i just do enough to get by each day and by enough i mean just enough , i used to run away but i was young with no family no company and no one to count on me

    sorry just had to write my feelings and thoughts down somewhere

    I am so angry

    I am so sorry you're feeling this way. Is there anything you can do for yourself, even if it's just a short break away from everyone and everything? Doesn't have to be complicated...something simple, go to the park and read a book, go see a movie ALONE...just something for yourself? I know it doesn't seem like much in the overall picture, but it might refresh you a little.
    Please stick close to us :h
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      I am so angry

      its raining park would be no fun !


        I am so angry

        K9Lover;1493150 wrote: TTIN,
        I am so sorry you're feeling this way. Is there anything you can do for yourself, even if it's just a short break away from everyone and everything? Doesn't have to be complicated...something simple, go to the park and read a book, go see a movie ALONE...just something for yourself? I know it doesn't seem like much in the overall picture, but it might refresh you a little.
        Please stick close to us :h
        i do have a work trip away from it all in 3 weeks just need to keep it together till then , maybe a movie in the mean time


          I am so angry

          I soooo feel you. I'm struggling myself. I really lost it today. I was able to talk to.a dear friend today.
          we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


            I am so angry

            The time is now;1493148 wrote: Hi

            My life is a mess i feel like i am about to explode or break down at any time , i argue with just about everyone i come in contact with and upset many of these people from my partner, my children , my crew, other company`s it shocking after i argue with people and get angry i feel so pissed off with myself that i have done so.

            I know its not the real me but of course i am the only one who can change this

            I try each day to improve but its not enough

            I feel tired all the time and feel i just need a break , but i have a family and Responsibility`s , people who count on me so i just do enough to get by each day and by enough i mean just enough , i used to run away but i was young with no family no company and no one to count on me

            sorry just had to write my feelings and thoughts down somewhere
            OK. So very many of us have done this, then felt just terrible after! :upset: Right now being aware that it's a problem, taking a deep breath, slowing down, like K9 suggested is enough. Go watch a movie, veg out for a bit, relax. It takes time to heal, it's overwhelming. Give yourself permission to not be Superwoman!

            Know in a couple of weeks you will have a much needed & well deserved break. Just don't drink no matter what, no matter who! Don't let guilt, self loathing trick you. Those critical voices can take a hike to the dumpster.

            I ran away when I was young to, then a lot when I was older. Look in the mirror today & say I'm beautiful, I can only give so much. Today I'm giving me a break. :l If you need to cry do that to, it can be a good release, healing. You are worth sobriety ~ recovery. Time is a gift, not a threat. Give your self time to heal!.....

            I'm not ready to give up Dove ~ Dark ~ Chocolate. I may never be able to. I don't care right now I'm sober! I have to go get my colon RX prep. Oh feck... My first one ever on the 25th. My 11 mon sobriety time. Yippie. It's in the afternoon. I shall likely lose 10lbs from fasting the day b4. I didn't want to get up at 2-3 am to drink the 2nd half of this yummy prep crap. Another yippie, I don't know... if I should laugh or cry. I was told don't forget the vaseline. :upset:


              I am so angry

              Wildflowers;1493159 wrote: I was told don't forget the vaseline. :upset:
              I was fine with your whole description until I read this sentence! LOL Sorry ---don't mean to laugh at your..ahem...uncomfortable situation.

              TTIN - Ok, ditch the park idea (I come from somewhere that doesn't know the meaning of the word RAIN so I didn't even think of that!). How about some mindless shopping at Walmart or other mass-market where you can look at everything under the sun? Sunday I was so hungry (I'm doing a juice fast) so to distract myself I went to Walmart for about an hour and feel suprisingly good with my frivilous purchases. Distract yourself anyway you can...even if you can't buy anything, you can still look around and people watch!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                I am so angry

                TTIN, why don't you come and join us over in the Newbie's Nest...we have folks in all stages of their quit. We can help you get this monkey off your back once and for all. We have lots of success there! You CAN get your life back from AL! The time IS now....don't let AL rob you of one more day! Enough is enough and it isn't going to improve on its own, it takes action. Talking about it isn't going to fix it, it takes a commitment and time. But you have time, because by quitting this life sucking addiction you'll have added 10-15 years to your life. Hope to see you there. Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  I am so angry

                  K9Lover;1493168 wrote: I was fine with your whole description until I read this sentence! LOL Sorry ---don't mean to laugh at your..ahem...uncomfortable situation.

                  TTIN - Ok, ditch the park idea (I come from somewhere that doesn't know the meaning of the word RAIN so I didn't even think of that!). How about some mindless shopping at Walmart or other mass-market where you can look at everything under the sun? Sunday I was so hungry (I'm doing a juice fast) so to distract myself I went to Walmart for about an hour and feel suprisingly good with my frivilous purchases. Distract yourself anyway you can...even if you can't buy anything, you can still look around and people watch!
                  how is the juice fast how long ? i thought of just doing one to get back on track but thought my body wouldnt cope with the shock


                    I am so angry

                    K9 and others have put up a lot of good advice for you. Take some time for you, even just a small amount. It can't hurt, it should help.

                    Lots of people here pulling for you.
                    Stay Strong, but do it for you.

                    ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                      I am so angry


                      Based on how you are feeling recently, I would NOT suggest doing a juice fast right now. When I started (Sunday) I was in tip-top shape mentally, and now I am about to kick someone in the delicate parts ( doesn't matter!) I am going to break my fast tomorrow and eat lunch. Do not add any more stress to yourself right now....of course, do what you want, but that's just my advice, based on what I am going through at this very moment....:stomper:

                      How are you feeling today?
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        I am so angry

                        K9Lover;1493570 wrote: TTIN-

                        Based on how you are feeling recently, I would NOT suggest doing a juice fast right now. When I started (Sunday) I was in tip-top shape mentally, and now I am about to kick someone in the delicate parts ( doesn't matter!) I am going to break my fast tomorrow and eat lunch. Do not add any more stress to yourself right now....of course, do what you want, but that's just my advice, based on what I am going through at this very moment....:stomper:

                        How are you feeling today?
                        hi good suggestion re juice !

                        how am i feeling ? ok i guess , apologised to some people i upset so that felt a bit better , body feels broken tired, aches from places i never were there !


                          I am so angry

                          I was achy for a few days's almost like you have the flu, so you should treat yourself as such! Stay hydrated and rest. You'll get through the worst of it...and then you will never have to go through it again!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            I am so angry

                            That's what drinking makes you feel, Angry. Angry that you even pick up that fuckin' drink. I know how you are feeling!

