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This is horrible..

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    This is horrible..

    It's only 7:30am here and I am wanting a drink... I'm trying really hard to not get one, but I'm still thinking about it and wanting it. :sigh:

    This is horrible..

    Hang on GG. Have some food or juice, please. The protein will help you cravings for now.

    Take any supps you have on hand or vitamins.
    Enlightened by MWO


      This is horrible..

      GG, like SKendall said eat something... quick. Something you really like. You can get over this hurdle. Try a Virgin Mary (Bloody Mary without the vody) ... it tastes just the same. Keep posting and reading this site. You've got a lot of support.
      A BushBaby with Attitude


        This is horrible..

        SKendall;113874 wrote: Hang on GG. Have some food or juice, please. The protein will help you cravings for now.

        Take any supps you have on hand or vitamins.
        I'll go do that right now... :l I hate these moments, I don't do well with temptation.


          This is horrible..

          GG, take it a moment at a time. You've got this far in the past hour between posts... hang in there and tomorrow will be much easier.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            This is horrible..

            Horrible does not describe it.. its really tough sometimes... but think how much WORSE it would be if you caved in cos you'd have to fight to get back to where you are now...

            This is where you find out what you are made of...

            On my first weeks, someone posted this to me.. and I found it enormously helpful. I hope you find it helpful too...

            I do believe that most people have found certain components of RJ's program particularly useful in helping them through short-term cravings. For some it is popping open a kudzu or l-glutamine capsule under their tongue, for others it is listening to the CDs, for others still it is exercise. What will work for you is a personal discovery.

            Ultimately though, I believe the one thing that "worked best in controlling my drinking" was me. That may sound trite, but I believe this with every ounce of my being. No program, no supplements, no drugs, no CDs, no exercise routine, no nothing would have allowed me to gain my sobriety if I had not made the complete and total commitment to myself to do it. I hated what I was doing to myself and to the people I loved, I hated that alcohol was controlling my life, I hated feeling guilty about it all the time. And so I decided to take my life back and promised myself I would succeed. And it wasn't the kind of promise we've all made so many times after a bad night of drinking where we say, "I'll quit" or "I'll cut back," only to break those promises that very same evening. This was the kind of promise you lock away so deep in your heart and soul and make yourself so accountable to, you'd never forgive yourself if you broke it.



              This is horrible..

              I'm so with you GG, try a gorgeously luxurious bath... no don't drink it!! I've started really looking after myself again wi wee treats like 'posh' bath oils and stuff that usually is just a treat or pressie, just for the reason that I am sober and worth it. Also agree with Brig about, it is ourselves that either picks up the bottle or doesn't, but do think the supps work or help as most seniors rate them. Second day AF and feeling rough but with the help on here I know I will get past this. Stay strong GG, we are all here always.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                This is horrible..

                Morning GG,

                Ditto what all the others said, How are you doing now????

                If you join the subscriber section you get free Kudzu, and I'm told that it is really good .....

                Love & Hugs :h :l :h


                  This is horrible..

                  Thanks everyone... I did not touch it. Still wanting to, but I drank lots of fresh squeezed OJ and had a few chocolates and some quiche (I must have a stomach like a goat). I ordered the pills, atfirst I was kind of a skeptic about them, but people say they work so it does not hurt to try.

                  I'm waiting for my little bub to wake up from her morning nap so I can get the hell out of the house and do something, just to get it away from me. I've started spring cleaning just to take my mind off of it as well..

                  I keep coming on here and reading everything and looking at things and thank you all for the quick replies, they helped sooooo much. This place and all you are a godsend!!!

                  Hugs and Kisses


                    This is horrible..

                    Well Done GG

                    You just reminded me that last year when I was fighting this that my house was soooo clean LOL

                    Have a good day xx


                      This is horrible..

                      GG, Hang in there. I know how hard it is to be at home with a little one. Trapped by the baby and also trapped by the bottle. You are strong. You are strong. yesterday when I came home all the triggers were there, i was fried from work, messy house, no, actually trashed house. a note from hubby, "sorry house is a mess 2 girls, 3 boys and 2 dogs" i did turn around and go out and smoke a cigarette and take a drive, i went by my friends house and thought gee i haven't seen her for a while, and you know i could just pop in because today at 5pm i don't have a bottle of wine in my gullet, i didn't stop, but that feeling that i had more options, that i had nothing to hide from people who loved me gave me strength. i got home, the house was still trashed , mud dog fur etc...but i had acup of tea came here then carried on with the evening. 8 days af....and holding on, sometimes with tender hooks. thinking of you:h Rudemama


                        This is horrible..

                        Hi GG,

                        Congrats for getting past the first cravings this morning! and ditto everyone else's comments. You seem determined to beat this demon, so find whatever works for you to get you through just one step at a time - look for whatever support/assistance/supps/medication you need - We're always here so keep posting, asking and we'll help in any way we can!

                        Welcome and good luck to you!
                        Warmest wishes,
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days


                          This is horrible..

                          you can do it GG - breath and relax - get your mind off of it somehow - go for a walk etc...all the advice you are getting is gonna help. SMILE - YOU ARE WORTH IT!
                          We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


                            This is horrible..

                            Good job GG!

                            See...just go with the moment & let it pass. Keep busy, the suggestion of having protein is important b/c I remember reading that, take the supps and post.

                            You did good! Proud of you!
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              This is horrible..

                              Great job....You made it through the craving...the food works wonders...i am glad that you are ordereing the supps ...which one did you get.....It is so hard to be in the house not able to leave with so many temptations....its always good for me to try to find something anything to do until the baby wakes up and keeps you occupied...claen the junk drawer..the closet...the fridge out...anything mindless....i hope you can get out into the fresh air and feel proud of yourself for making it through that can be so hard - i have been there when mine were small and it is such a hard tug that it is hard to resist...i don't know that i always did so great job....i think i told you this before , but if not, the topa is really working for me...i would of never expected it to be working as well as it is is surprising because i have tried EVERYTHING...take it with a grain of salt....but wanted to let you is going to be a good day and you can do this...find strength in what you made it through and remember that strength if you feel weak again ...we can do this ....together...:h :goodjob: buck

