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    Hi everyone - I am a new member from beautiful Scotland and having read threads by people from all over the western world I wondered if you knew about booze in you know it is more socially acceptable now to say that you were so drunk you puked on Sunday than it is to say that you go to church on a feels like the entire culture is booze centred...that is not to say that everyone is like that but more and more and younger and younger folks are boozing to excess every weekend and it is cool...It feels like we have lost true community and have been conned into pretending to everyone that we are in control and all is well lest we be judged (in my opinion a direct legacy from Margaret Thatcher though I dont agree with rude protests at funeral) is sad that we have to hide in drink...such a nation that produced so many inventions, literary giants..."for a that an a that, it's comin yet an a that, that man to man the world o'er, will brithers be an o that..." Rabbie Burns....Hope this makes sense...Mx


    Mass brainwashing . AlcoHELL advertising and the glamorisation of this drug for years and years. Not cool to puke and be hungover. It's cool and rebellious to be sober.
    Sober since 13th January 2012



      Sober is the new drunk! I find myself really admiring people who don't drink at all...I may be doing it for a totally different reason, but no one knows that part but me. It makes me sad to see people out making fools of themselves under the influence....because that was me, every night. I am so happy to be rid of that beast. I do not mind being different...I am comfortable now in my own AF skin now. I don't need it to fit in or be social...I can't remember when AL did me any favors, frankly. Alcohol is all around us and in just about every culture...there is no escaping it, but you will not find me drinking it. Kuya says to imagine it's like embalming fluid....yours! Yikes. It is WAY ok to be different. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest



        An alcohol free life is freedom. Some of the best people in the world have gone against the grain really hard.
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          BOOZE SCOTLAND...

          It is a very sad fact that alcohol seems to be taking over lives, particularly of young people, who are struggling to find themselves and lack a vision for the future and an aspiration in life.

          A few years ago I worked with a charity on a project to try and get NEETs (not in employment, education or training) youngsters back on track and helped to run workshops.

          Working with 18 to 20 year olds, our project was to write and produce a newsletter. I kitted them out with cameras and discussed the type of stories we would include. One was to write a story about themselves entitled 'if I could have anything or go anywhere in the world - what or where would it be'.

          Almost every one of those young boys said that in a 'dream' world they would have an unlimited supply of beer, cigarettes and other drugs - in various settings from luxury hotel rooms, to having their own personal key to the supermarket. I asked them - 'surely if you could have absolutely anything - your own jet plane, a house on a paradise beach in the Caribbean - that would be better than a crate of free booze. Sadly the answer was NO.
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            BOOZE SCOTLAND...

            Thanks everyone for replying...Snapdragon I wonder when it happened that horizons and possibilities became so limited whilst expectations and criteria for success became so starts in early education with one size fits all thinking and a lack of opportunity to just be...I think that's what we all use booze to hide from...the just be-ing.......


              BOOZE SCOTLAND...

              ps congrats on 19 days AF SD


                BOOZE SCOTLAND...

                Hiya Mayzay, and a huge welcome to you.

                Yep, I think positive growing and learning environments and the passing on of 'real life' education to young people (e.g. things to expect when in the workforce, or creating your own employment) needs a big ramp up. I am big on pointing out options and the skills a person already has and encouraging and instilling in them that anything is possible. Booze is such a classic, easy, cheap, legal, socially acceptable (often), option to numb ourselves out from the barriers life throws at all of us everyday and from left field. Younger folk and all ages need support options I reckon.

                We don't have to go through life alone, but to get back on topic, we don't have to get sober on our own either. Support can be a crucial ingredient in our daily sobriety plan. Sometimes support won't fall into our lap though, sometimes we have to seek it out.

                Great to see you here Mayzay. Best wishes on your journey.

                G bloke.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  BOOZE SCOTLAND...

                  Mayzay;1494506 wrote: Thanks everyone for replying...Snapdragon I wonder when it happened that horizons and possibilities became so limited whilst expectations and criteria for success became so starts in early education with one size fits all thinking and a lack of opportunity to just be...I think that's what we all use booze to hide from...the just be-ing.......
                  When a society chooses to submerge itself in drugs it is a scream for help. Thatchers Britain, even for the wealthy, has spawned a generation that NEEDS to escape into drugs to cope. For the poor it is booze and dope, for the wealthy it is booze and cocaine.

                  Scotland's booze culture simply results from poverty and neglect IMO


                    BOOZE SCOTLAND...

                    I was raised that booze is normal and socially acceptable (in U.S.) now I am with hubby who was raised,..... Booze? What is Booze? They don't even know the language.

                    I am 58, married 9 years to a tea totaler. He has no idea about the subject.

                    I just wanted to share....Our communities can be very small when it pertains to AL. However large or small - still a fight worth winning.

                    Sorry, I hope that made sence, waaaay past my bed time. I have to wake in 4 hours.



                      BOOZE SCOTLAND...

                      again LIfe

                      Mayzay;1494088 wrote: Hi everyone - I am a new member from beautiful Scotland and having read threads by people from all over the western world I wondered if you knew about booze in you know it is more socially acceptable now to say that you were so drunk you puked on Sunday than it is to say that you go to church on a feels like the entire culture is booze centred...that is not to say that everyone is like that but more and more and younger and younger folks are boozing to excess every weekend and it is cool...It feels like we have lost true community and have been conned into pretending to everyone that we are in control and all is well lest we be judged (in my opinion a direct legacy from Margaret Thatcher though I dont agree with rude protests at funeral) is sad that we have to hide in drink...such a nation that produced so many inventions, literary giants..."for a that an a that, it's comin yet an a that, that man to man the world o'er, will brithers be an o that..." Rabbie Burns....Hope this makes sense...Mx
                      good morning all,Scotland hurd a lot about it but the best i hurd was from a Doctor born and raised,living in Canada,his famous quote was if your name is So and So and your from Scotland your probably a Drunk,i thot it was a sad way of thinking considering the circumstances i was under,i was in a Sanitarium or in these days they call it a Health Center,i think the 1st name says it all,many of us look back and now that were older we know now how we approached booze in the past was our future downfall,We should never of had the 1st Drink,i for one new as a 16 year old there was something wrong, gees i had 3 beers and got sick as a dog,i can almost remember every time i over drank,until my 50 s,then i started to lose brain power,as many have said were invincible as young people,i guess the old saying holds firm,We are our families History,:thanks: Scotland your not the only country going thro this dalema take care and have a wonderful day:goodjob:


                        BOOZE SCOTLAND...

                        kuya;1494525 wrote: When a society chooses to submerge itself in drugs it is a scream for help. Thatchers Britain, even for the wealthy, has spawned a generation that NEEDS to escape into drugs to cope. For the poor it is booze and dope, for the wealthy it is booze and cocaine.

                        Scotland's booze culture simply results from poverty and neglect IMO
                        Never realised you've lived in Scotland for a few years, I've travelled Western Australia for a couple of months but wouldn't say I knew it well enough to voice an opinion on their drinking culture.

                        Unless you've watched some crappy films about Glasgow and thought all Scotland was like that, don't think you're that stupid!

                        For the record all my mates and family back home are in employment or have their own business and know what, I'm the best off financially but drink the most.
                        It's not what you drink, it's how much!

