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Diary of an alcoholic

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    Diary of an alcoholic

    I dont feel able to go AF right away, so im gonna cut down over the next few nights to wean myself off it.Last night i drank half the amount of vodka i would usually drink, thanks to your advice and support. Last year i kept a DIARY of my drinking, i managed a straight 8 weeks AF and when i read through it, i found i had actually had more AF days than drin king days! This has reminded me that "I can do it", even though it doesnt feel like it right now. Im off to get some supps today and im down loading the book and cant wait to start reading it.
    Iv tried many times to MOD but one drink is too many and never enough for me.


    Diary of an alcoholic

    Hi Rainbow, well done for cutting down, thats the way I did it.

    Worked for me!!!


      Diary of an alcoholic

      Hi Rainbow - if you can find whatever works for you, then that's the way to go! Reminding yourself that you did do it before is a great thing - you've done it once and you can do it again!

      Good luck and look forward to hearing how it all goes - keep talking!
      Warmest wishes,
      :rays: Arial

      Last first day - 15th April 2012
      Days 1-7 DONE
      Days 8-14 DONE
      Days 15-21 DONE
      30 days DONE
      60 days
      100 days


        Diary of an alcoholic

        That's a great phrase. One drink is too much and never enough for me. I am afraid to keep track of my drinking so you are braver than me. Good to meet you.


          Diary of an alcoholic

          Hi Rainbow

          Like you said you have done it before so you can do it again. I went AF for 5 weeks then started drinking again, but now I have gone AF again and it has been a week already.

          I never kept a diary but I read through my previous post of MWO and remembered how good I felt.

          Every one is different, some people can cut down slowly and other's just need to cut it out completely. I wish you success in whatever route you take.

          YOU CAN DO IT! Be positive!

          Love Mandy x


            Diary of an alcoholic

            Any small step is an accomplishment in itself. As long as you're working towards a goal and following a plan you are on the right path. Never give up & if one thing doesn't work, try another.
            You can do it.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

