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    I've been watching this site since Oct. 2005...I can't believe it. At that time, I did the whole program but got so ill on the topamax that I stopped. For the last month, I've been "religiously" taking supplements, exercising, meditating, eating well...but am still drinking 6-9 glasses of wine a day. I've been drinking for over 30 years...Is there ANY hope for me?


    First Post

    Hi Becca,

    Absolutely .... yes there is hope for you!!!!! I was drinking 3 bottles of wine a day when I came here in November, I don't do Abs, But now dnink in moderation, managing AF most week days. Keep reading and posting, For me the book is excellent, and the hypo cd's good also.

    Any way, there will be lots more here soon to add to this.

    All the best,

    :h :l :h


      First Post

      Welcome Becca!

      Can't stay long as it's the end of lunch break at work! - However, very quickly and simply, YES! No one will promise a quick or easy solution, but if you are truly determined to start a new life and take control of your problem, then you will be able to find a solution. And we're certainly here to help, so keep talking, keep posting, and someone's here ready to listen/respond 24/7- It's a fabulous place to be and you're in good, understanding company! So again, WELCOME, and I'm sure people will be along shortly to give more concrete suggestions...:welcome:
      :rays: Arial

      Last first day - 15th April 2012
      Days 1-7 DONE
      Days 8-14 DONE
      Days 15-21 DONE
      30 days DONE
      60 days
      100 days


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        you have made the first step, overcoming denial, well done!! one step at a time we will help untill the training wheels are ready to come off. good luck max
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          First Post

          I can relate to Katesm, every word of it, im new here but already i see a light at the end of the tunnel, one step at a time,dont loose hope


            First Post

            I know exactly how you feel as well. We are all in this together. Welcome!


              First Post

              Hi Becca & Welcome!

              I did a part of this program about 1 1/2 yrs ago. My DR. prescribed Topa and then I googled Topa & found MWO & read the book. I didn't do the whole dosage & didn't follow the book exactly, just basically went thru the motions. Conclusion: failure.

              Fast Forward to November 2006. Started back on Topa. Got myself mentally & physically prepared to start my battle again. Joined the MWO group on-line. December went AF and as of today am 99 days AF. Am on Topa 100 mg (that's as far as I'm going) and found the 2nd time around the side effects were not there except for a forgetful word here or there (that tip of the tongue thing)-that's it. I don't take the supps as my cravings are not there. I just need to watch for triggers. I am starting the cd's b/c I will be having a huge trigger coming up at the end of April and want to be prepared. So I'm doing everything according to my needs. Not skimping on anything. Am posting &reading everyday. I'm making sobriety my number 1 till I feel I no longer have to worry about it.

              The difference between then & now:
              I was well prepared-mind, body & soul. This time I REALLY wanted it. I gave it my all. Nothing was going to change unless I was going to change. That was my turning point.

              You can do it. Just never give up trying. Try anything once & if it doesn't work try it again.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                First Post

                Great job for coming back and YES there is hope for you...always....i agree that you must be ready in body and mind for the change....i think i too am there this time as i am making it my number one priority....i am not doing any activity that might jepardize that right maybe before that is not where you were...If you want to change you can and the tools here truly help...if topa is not for you then there may be some ohther alternative that may yourself up to the possiblity of tapering the program to you....take whjat works and chnange what doesnt...i know that positve affirmatin and writing down how i want thing to be works for me...sound weird but true...i am coming from drinking at least 3 bottles of wine a day for who knows how long to today...i did not have a ahh haa moment either just got sick and tired of being sick and tired....i am off on this journey full force and i believe i can do it...i believe YOU can proud of you for posting...i know that is hard....keep it up.....:goodjob: :h buck


                  First Post

                  It was good to hear someone say, I've been drinking for over 30 years. So have I...I just started this website last week and I can tell you so far I'm a big failure. It seems to me that the more I concentrate on "Not drinking" the more I become obsessed with getting to the wine store. God I hate this.... I am like you, I wonder if there is any hope for me, but everyone is encouraging.


                    First Post

                    What Kate said.
                    Welcome back!


                      First Post

                      Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement. It means a lot and is really appreciated.

                      SeaBreez, I'm going to think seriously about going back on the topomax. I'm lucky to have good healthcare insurance and a great Dr. -- maybe this time, like you, I can get my "mind, body & soul" working in sync and be more successful.

                      Pittypat, thanks for your honesty. I totally agree with your sentiments. 30+ years is a long, long time and the habits are DEEPLY ingrained.

                      Keep cheering us on, everyone. We "oldtimers" really need it!



                        First Post

                        Over 30 years here too. Probably REALLY heavy for 20... But to be honest, even in High school, I drank like a girl "On a Mission"! Can't just do it part way!

                        Till I found this place at least.... now for the past 15 months, I do it "part way" Much better.
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          First Post

                          Welcome Becca. Sounds like you are getting a lot of good advice and support already. I sincerely believe that the key to success is YOU. Not the supps, not the book, and not the CDs. They certainly aid YOU, but first, you have to be ready and determined to make a go of it. Sounds like you are ready to make a change. Relax and take baby steps. I wish you the best.
                          :rays: mdb :rays:

                          Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                          Lots of work yet to do!


                            First Post

                            Becca.....Sending you a big cyber hug and "welcome"! Can't tell you how many times I've felt such shame and anger at myself for not being able to get this drinking thing under control.....I know how hard it is! You've come to the right place! I'm glad you've joined us.

