This time it feels different. I've read about individuals on here that tried and tried and then it just clicked. I'm wondering if that is true for me this time. I hope so. This community gives me so much hope.
AF Day 2. Had that awful "first night" not drinking last night: clammy skin, broken up sleep, anxiety about anything that moved. However, instead of panicking and making excuses and drinking I had tea and called a dear friend who is helping me through this. I folded laundry. I went to bed earlier than I have in years. Here I am, Day Two.
I am anxious about going to work this morning. I feel like my choices, and my failures, are written all over my face. I feel like I'm being judged. I need to keep reminding myself that no one can judge me for trying to make my life better. I also need to remind myself that I can work in a solitary fashion today if that helps. Time enough to deal with the other demons.
I am up early to remind myself that I will have another shaky night tonight. I will probably have to guzzle water with lemon. I will have anxiety. This is not going to happen overnight. But every day I do this for myself my body gets better, my habits get better, and I get stronger without the horrific crutch of alcohol.
I will not drink today.