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Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

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    Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

    day six today....not feeeling as strong today....i made it through yesterday and did not go to my card game...i wrestled with it ALL day..."should i go"..."should i not go"....."why cant i be normal" know the drill...i went to the gym which really helped.... i did not go to the game..cant believe it...i talked to some of the people that did...they said it was great which made sad as i love cards - but not feeling like an ass the day after i play still proud of myself for not going...had a quiet evening at home...made some yummy dinner and made some tea.....well i made it through that and now the weekend is coming annd i am starting on my affirmations to get me through it....the problem is my family wants me to go to the country and that is just a breeding ground for massive wine drinking....i mean there is really nothing else to do...or let me rephrase that...i don't know of anything else to do as i am always i dont want to go...i dont think i am strong enogh but how do i explain that to kids/hubby.....and if they go and leave me here i am equally as doomed.....oh drag...well with this attitude i am setting myself up for failure....any ideas...would love to kid myself into thinking i could go and just have one of 2 ...but that just wont happen.....I appreciate any posts that you have time for and all the help you have given me this week...iyou laev ma speachless with thanks....:new: :thanks: :h Buck

    Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

    Hey Buckledown. I hope you get some good advice because I am going to be facing the same thing on the Easter long weekend. My family knows that I have problem with alcohol and have made attempts in the past to quit. I have even expressed my feelings about the fact that I am trying to quit. It just seems to go in one ear and out the other.

    I have many times joined in with everyone it seems so lonely to be the only one not kicking back a few only I don't stop at a few. I am hoping that will not be the case this time. I am already struggling with the weekends staying AF. The last two have not been successful.

    Wishing you luck.


      Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

      you need to set things straight and tell hubby you have a problem. Alcohol is not in the equasion here. Talk to him!


        Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

        Buckle -
        I am on day 2 - and I am stressing over my Friday night, I have to go buy a gift for my nieces bridal shower and after that I would usually stop at the bar and have a few with friends...hmmm...I still want to stop at the bar and telling myself I can drink tonic w/lime. Should I even attempt it? Probably not! Either way with you home alone or in the country it is gonna be a struggle..opt for the country at least you have family there, you can take walks, plan something. At home alone I think my be more dangerous - be strong - we can make it thru the weekend!
        We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


          Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

          Its so hard when you have to face the social occasions without the booze...

          buck..why not go to the country but with a plan...take your bike/ trainers and plan to do some fitness stuff?

          Take the football.outdoor stuff? games of cards.......plan to cook together,,,anything except drink Ask hubby to do it with you this weekend and view it as a healthy option weekend??If you really cant do it..then call it off??

          i think weekend sare really tough...i have for years gone out with friends, hubby at the weekends and continue to do so...but i dont pretend its easy..but FORWARD PLANNING is the name of the game for me.

          I also have adapted to going out for an early pub meal...home earlier.

          G i try and feel good about being in control and looking classy instead of o to cinema. theatre, quiz, whatever but plan it around not drinking..i get dolled up, feel good.... get the new outfit on and when everyone is sloshed i feel good being in control...good luck we go towards the weekend!!



            Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

            Hey Buckle - I was also a weekend warrior and dreaded the weekends when I first started this... I mean honestly - the weekends aren't supposed to be the same as the rest of the boring week, right? I ended up at some family gatherings, where the wine pours freely as well. I told folks that I was abstaining until my races were over (I run and have some upcoming races). It helps that my husband (he runs also) is abstaining with me. Any way - point is, if you don't want to talk about your problems with family, tell them you are starting a new health and fitness program and alcohol isn't included. Surely they can't argue you trying to get healthier... Right?
            :rays: mdb :rays:

            Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

            Lots of work yet to do!


              Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

              Hi Must and buck

              Thats exactly it...tell family you are on a healthy living weekend and yes that mght feel threatening to some people (a bit like when you tell people you dont drink alcohol)..but i bet deep down people will admire that or be envious...who cares as long as you seuccedd in not drinking over the weekend?

              good will feel great...well when you look back and pat yourself on the back for having a "clean " weekend...go girl you can do it!!



                Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

                HEy guys, your right the weekends coming and its HARD! I'm stayin in all weekend as this is my first week. So its phone off, dvd's and a slap up takeaway with mum. I know its not the final solution to the problem. But i feel too weak willed atm so why tempt fate. Buckledown, wont ur family help u to get through this Easter with love and support? Either way mate you can do it and as Cassy sez get thru the weekend and give urself a pat on the back WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!


                  Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

                  Hi to all of you,
                  It's very hard to face your social occasions with mates or family when you've given up....I've been AF for close to 6 months now and at times its still hard.We're coming up to the footy season here this weekend and I loved nothing more than going to the footy and having a few(dozen) beers and screaming my heart out but it will just be the screaming not the screaming drunk this year.
                  Dont underestimate your friends and family they will be there for you I'm sure.Tell them your not drinking for any reason you want, its up to you who you want to tell and trust to tell the truth to.
                  Its funny how we all think it's boring without drinking (I did too) but for the life of me, I cant figure out why.What did I do when I was drinking and drunk that I thought was so entertaining? When we were kids we could amuse ourselves for hours without a bottle in our hand. Maybe finding the fun ordinary things to do is the way to go.Louise(Irish Lady) had a great idea for me, around the Christmas party season, to stay sober.Carry around the number of AF days you are on a piece of paper in big writing in your bag or pocket.
                  I went one step further and printed out the post to pull out and read when I needed encouragement and resolve.I never read it but even knowing I had put it there was enough to keep me strong.
                  Good luck to all of you this weekend and all the ones coming.I'll be thinking good thoughts for you all.
                  Victoria xxooxx


                    Day 6...The weekend is coming...eeek

                    Well, drawing on my past success (only day 2 consecutive AF for me now), I can say that I have gone on vacation with my hubby and stayed AF (even with the pool bar blender going), I have attended a wedding and stayed AF, and have been to several work social functions and stayed AF. No doubt, it is TOUGH. But if you work very hard to put yourself in the right mindset and tell yourself there is no negotiating re: drinking, it can be done. And amazingly, after the first 1/2 hour or so, you probably won't miss it. The next day is the best part. When you wake up clear-headed and remember everything that was said and done the night before, it is a great way to start the day! Yes, I am saying all this because I need to remember it too!!!!

                    Weekends are my down-time, when I want to relax. Wine has become too much my constant companion lately. I need to find new ways to de-stress. Coming here is one. I will try to catch a movie this weekend too. Best wishes for everyone for a healthy weekend!


