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First day

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    First day

    Forgive me if this has been covered before, I'm totally new to this. How have people managed their very first day of sobriety. I have been made redundant from my primary job but work part time at a country club so I can't avoid alcoholic situations altogether. My danger time is late afternoon - any suggestions on how to cope at this time:

    First day

    Hi and welcome,

    When I started I'd change my usual schedule and I'd suggest that for you in the late afternoon. I took walks and did things that interested me (but I hadn't time to do before). I surrounded myself with close friends who knew what I was doing. I asked for support. I didn't find MWO until I was 2 or more months sober. Then I spent, and continue to spend, lots of time reading here. Keep posting and ask for support.


      First day

      Welcome Red....... The best way to manage these times is to is very rare to have cravings when we are full. Low blood sugar is the source of most cravings as the body and brain has learned that alcohol gives a massive sugar hit as well as the pleasure buzz.

      Eat well, protein and veg, avoid sugary hits as they cause your blood sugar to spike and trough, get plenty of fluids to start flushing the toxins and rest as much as possible.

      Days 1-5 are the worst, then the alcohol has left the body and you are then just dealing with the mental game of habits and triggers.

      It is not as hard as you fear, and it is fear that is the main obstacle to quitting IMO


        First day

        Hi Redshoes and :welcome:!!

        I made a LOOOONG list of things to do. I printed it out and kept it with me at all times. I put some stuff on the list that was "chore" type stuff. Cleaning closets that I hadn't touched in years, etc. I also put ACTIVE things on my list like walking and other exercise type things. I also put FUN stuff on the list.

        When I would get horrible urges (late afternoon was always my most difficult time of day too) I didn't even have to think. I just pulled out my list and picked something.

        Good luck! Getting free of AL is worth all the pain of doing it, at least in my opinion. I wouldn't trade me freedom for anything.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          First day

          Hi, Red-

          One way I made it through was by treating myself to small servings of things that I had not eaten in a while because I was "dieting"... i.e. I wanted to leave caloric room for more and more wine. For example, I had a half serving of homemade mac n cheese (I made if from scratch, which I have not done in years!) and a salad. It was heavenly, and also infinitely healthier for me. I also played with my dog and finished a long overdue project.

          Day Two saw me with a bottle of soda water in my hand all day, and a Shirley Temple with dinner.

          You will find your way. Let this community help you... they are pretty darned spectacular.
          "Feel the fear... move through it... do it anyway."
          Jillian Michaels


            First day

            Thanks guys, you're great. Its gone 9pm here and I haven't touched a drop - wasn't as hard as I feared.


              First day

              YAY, Red.

              And welcome.



                First day

                Yay Redshoes24!! You rock!


                  First day

                  Welcome Red

                  Hi! You have found a great place for support and encouragement.

                  I know what you mean about the "danger time" . Sadly if we let it escalate then ALL the time becomes danger time.

                  Nice that you are on this journey with us. Sometimes not easy but so worth it.

                  My danger time is after work, when people come by and say everyone's stopping at the pub after work. I used to go, and of course was always the last one to leave the pub and at times the only one to call in sick the next day. What a bunch of nonsense!

                  Take care and stick around!


                    First day

                    Congrats on working on sobriety! As for me, my trigger time was right after work, so it became a soda and cranberry juice cocktail. Having the glass in my hand was ? re-assuring? perhaps?
                    MWO is a great place for support, encouragement and understanding. Post and read often... you will find others in the same place as you, some who have made it to sobrierty, some who are still working on it. Ask questions!
                    Stay Strong!

                    ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                      First day

                      Hi Redshoes,
                      Welcome. You might want to check out the Newbie's nest and/or the No Fooling -- AF April thread, which is a group of people trying to go the month of April AF, join us! I don't have a long period of time AF, am still very much just getting by feet so to speak, but I find reading, posting my progress helps me keep AF. Welcome!
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

