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Trying all over!

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    Trying all over!

    Yep i am here again today is day 5 AF, i would love to day chemical free but i have been on oxy, muscle relaxers, and occasional benzo. i know the alcohol is gone, and i took my last oxy this am, the last one before that was at 3pm yesterday. im slightly afraid i may withdraw from them, but am VERY hopeful i don't. Doing this at home and without a strong support system. Have a sis n law and a niece to support, but husband is not supportive. Any advise/encouragement would be appreciated.
    Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:

    Trying all over!

    Hi JD girl

    Welcome! Sounds like you have a lot going on! I can only speak to the alcohol issue and you have come to a good place!

    I have taken lots of drugs before, including smoking crack unfortunately. Though I always heard that it was SO bad and addictive I did it for about 6 months and then just stopped with no big issues.

    SOOO that being said, alcohol is a whole different thing. Someone will respond to you about the Newbies Nest and Toolbox to help you.

    Hang in there


      Trying all over!

      JD girl, first congrats on 5 days with no alcohol! I don't know why you are on muscle relaxers and oxy, but if it's medical, call your doc and let him/her know that you are scared about withdrawals. I had major surgery in September 2012 and was on NORCO, which is a pain med for almost 12 did make me constipated, but my doc gave me a script for some stool softner stuff. I had a full hysterectomy and they repaired an umbilical hernia where my instestine basically came through my belly button, so I needed to make sure I did not "back up" LOL.
      Anyway, after I was done with the pain meds, I noticed I thought I was going through withdrawal and what she did was keep me on them a little longer, but lowered the dosage every two days. It helped a lot and I actually never even finished the bottle.

      I also take xanax, but only if I need it for anxiety attacks and it's really low, .25mg.

      I drank a lot of herbal tea during those twelve weeks and found a sour lemon one that I really enjoy..of course I add a little splenda so it's like hot lemonade.

      Wishing you all the best. Also, when in doubt, a pharmacist can be your best friend to advise you on what you can take together...I've used the phone often to make sure I could take cold medicine with the pain meds.

      Keep close, someone will be around with more information that I have. :l


        Trying all over!


        Thanks to your replies. Today is day 6 AF, 24 hours no oxy, only 1 klonipin about 930 yesterday. So i feel like progress is made. NO WD sysmptons as of yet so i feel confident there wont be any. Aslo researched valerian root and it is all natural and acts like benzo in the calming of the body and mind. Hope this might help someone also. Be back here real soon.:h
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          Trying all over!

          good job jdgirl! be careful with mixing klonopin with valerian though,you are doing great,keep it up
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Trying all over!

            Well done JD.....keep at it, a day at a time, not I me at all and you will be free.

            Make sure you read around a lot and post often. Posting really helps to change your mind, writing things out alters your thinking.

            Also you can jump in the newbies nest and join others early in their helps to have company.


              Trying all over!


              I have been banned from driving for over a week now, having to depend on someone to take me everywhere, so confining, but needed; however, i get to drive today ALONE to eat lunch with my husband. I have no money but that has not stopped me in the past, so keep me on your mind and send positive thoughts between 11 - 1 CST for me. Wil post later and let you know how it went.

              I just want to be strong and not to ever let this control me again!
              Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                Trying all over!

                HI JD!

                Six days is just Awesome! :goodjob:
                And what great fortune to be able to tackle the meds as well.
                Wanted to reiterate what Polly said regarding Valarian- PLEASE be careful with this Supp. Though it's herbal it packs a punch. Remember everyone's physiology is different and you are adding scripts into the mix.

                Stay close

                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  Trying all over!

                  Hi JD!

                  Six days is AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work!

                  My doctor suddenly stopped prescribing me Ativan (I really don't know why...I made 60 pills last for like 4 months....0.5mg...????), so OCCASIONALLY I take Valerian Root, but in small doses. Usually it just makes me sleepy so I take it if and when I ever get the chance for a nap! Just be careful and see how it affects you!

                  Keep us posted on your progress!


                  p.s. I think my doctor was just trying to get me to come in for a visit so they could get $200-300 out of new insurance sucks and I really don't need the pills so I just blew it off! LOL
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Trying all over!

                    Congrats!!! :goodjob:


                      Trying all over!


                      Thanks for all the good advise i do not take the valerian if i have taken a benzo. so far since yesterday just all natural, trying to avoid re-introducing chemicals into my system. Did well at lunch glad to be home in my "safe" environment. Hope that does not sound weird, but if i am at home there is not temptation, or desire.
                      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                        Trying all over!

                        You are lucky home is your "safe spot". My home was my ONLY drinking spot so I had to get over that obstacle (just being there!). For one week I stayed away at night. Then I rearranged all the furniture to change my "spot" and tell my brain "we don't drink here anymore!!" Do WHATEVER IT TAKES. It does get easier, I promise!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Trying all over!

                          here i am again day 10 min ago why do i do this to myself. its 400 am i was doing soooo good. i dont hate much but i hate this disease.
                          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


                            Trying all over!

                            Hey JD Girl

                            What happened? Did you drink?

                            I hope you are doing OK. Let us know what's up and we can help ya!


                              Trying all over!


                              yes i drank and i am paying for it today. withdrawing again. i hate this im going to dr tomorrow, very panicky and shaky. Send good thoughts my way.
                              Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:

