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Worst I've ever been

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    Worst I've ever been

    K9Lover;1496455 wrote: I thought I was the only one that could drag out a 2 hour movie into a 5 hour project. Of course, after beer 8 or 9 I'd suddenly need to go rake the lawn. In the rain. In my pajamas.
    Awesome- great visual! I used to like to drink wine & work in the garden. Keep in mind I was living on an island made of volcanic rock!!! Gardening without drinking wine was tricky business! Had to use my stash of potting soil to get anywhere... Messy! I am very impressed with ur 483 days & ur ability to laugh at urself, really a wonderful place to be, congrats!!!
    March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
    May 29: back to day 1
    June: The battle continues......


      Worst I've ever been

      K9Lover;1497343 wrote: Welcome to day 3 Joe! I bet you're feeling good this morning! I still can't believe HOW many days I dragged my sorry butt into work feeling and looking like something the cat threw up! LOL

      What are your plans for the weekend? Stay busy! :l
      Thanks K9Lover! I did wake up with a headache and had a headache last night, withdrawals I guess. But I felt much better around 9am after some coffee, and have been having a fantastic day at work and looking forward to my AA meeting with my group this evening

      Had lunch at a fancy restaurant and was able to resist alcohol, even though its Friday and it was a restaurant/brewery of all places!

      This weekend I plan on being productive and getting organized with a lot of work related stuff I've been putting off!
      First attempt June 30 (42 days)

      Day 1: August 13, 2013
      7 Days:
      14 Days:
      30 Days:
      60 Days:
      90 Days:


        Worst I've ever been

        Starting day 4! and feeling optimistic...getting ready to go on a bike ride!
        First attempt June 30 (42 days)

        Day 1: August 13, 2013
        7 Days:
        14 Days:
        30 Days:
        60 Days:
        90 Days:


          Worst I've ever been

          Good for your Joemero! You sound great! It will only get better from here!

          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Worst I've ever been

            starting day 5! feeling very optimistic, but struggling with the headaches. headache woke me up this morning :-/
            First attempt June 30 (42 days)

            Day 1: August 13, 2013
            7 Days:
            14 Days:
            30 Days:
            60 Days:
            90 Days:


              Worst I've ever been

              Sounds like you are doing very well Joe.....Ive already called the boys at the factory to start production on your day seven star....they get kinda slow when the bossman isnt around.......:H
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Worst I've ever been

                Nelz;1498173 wrote: Sounds like you are doing very well Joe.....Ive already called the boys at the factory to start production on your day seven star....they get kinda slow when the bossman isnt around.......:H
                Thanks Nelz!
                First attempt June 30 (42 days)

                Day 1: August 13, 2013
                7 Days:
                14 Days:
                30 Days:
                60 Days:
                90 Days:


                  Worst I've ever been

                  Hi Joemero:
                  Glad to hear you have made it to day 5. Way to go!!!! It will get easier each day.
                  Like you I was drinking each night and would wake up every morning with a sure plan to quit but come 6:00 I would be drinking again with some excuse for why I had to.
                  I managed to achieve 5 months sober last year but marital issues sent me back to my old friend (my bottle of wine) and it didn't take long for me to be back to my old habits.
                  I really loved being sober and waking up with a clear head and no regrets. I am on day 8 and feeling wonderful. My last four days was spent at a conference where there was lots of wine flowing but I was motivated by reminding myself of how great I would feel in the morning if I didn't drink.
                  You will soon experience the same. Your sleep will be devine and you will achieve clarity and good health. I am sending you healing thoughts and wishing you well. Keep posting as this is a wonderful place to get support. You will have your gold star in no time!
                  Keep up the good work!
                  Don't worry, be happy!


                    Worst I've ever been

                    Just seeing this. Great job Joe! I felt quite out of sorts the first couple of weeks. My sleep was all messed up and I just felt off. After that things improved. Stick with it, it is very worth it.


                      Worst I've ever been

                      Hi Joe

                      I'm glad you got to a meeting and saw how this thing can affect seemingly quite normal people - whatever their class or distinction. Lots of people in lots of professions and situations actually don't drink, it's a myth perpetuated by drinkers that you have to have the wine to have fun. I found drinking every day very boring, and the time it frees up is yours to do whatever you want with, including repairing relationships and lives.
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13


                        Worst I've ever been

                        Hi Jomero, I'm new around here too. My father had been quite ill and died just a few weeks ago, consequently I had been drinking quite heavily to deal with the stress of it all. I've been on and off the wagon so many times I finally sought medical help. With the help of some prescription meds, I finally have a clarity of mind I haven't had in years. A few days ago when I opened up the back of my pickup truck and saw all the trashbags full of beer cans and plastic vodka containers, I was finally clear-headed enough to be disgusted with myself. It was beyond stressful to juggle work, plan a funeral, settle an estate and grieve all at the same time. So many times I was tempted to just crawl back in the bottle, but then I'd remember how useless the bottle made me and resist and useless is the last thing I can be right now. Admittedly the meds probably helped. Anyway, best of luck to you in your continued sobriety.
                        In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                          Worst I've ever been

                          I really enjoyed reading this thread, and can relate to a lot of what was being said.. I am sorry for what some others are going through. Myself I was almost at that 30 mark, then the thoughts of the past came, and first I said just 2 beers then boom, straight back to the hard stuff , more time out of work. From Morning until night, or would pass out, 2 fifths a day.. dumb me. I had bought enough to last atleast 5 days, thought that would be enough to get me past this hump. Wrong, Back to Day 2 of the nasty withdrawls. Shaking and sweating , fun stuff.


                            Worst I've ever been

                            Good morning ya'll! Starting Day 6 today. Yesterday was difficult with the cravings. I was very tempted to buy a 24oz can of beer (just one, yeah right) to help with the constant headaches I've been having since I stopped. But instead I had a piece of chocolate and went out with my son to look at cars and the book store cravings went away.
                            First attempt June 30 (42 days)

                            Day 1: August 13, 2013
                            7 Days:
                            14 Days:
                            30 Days:
                            60 Days:
                            90 Days:


                              Worst I've ever been

                              great job joe! fighting that "just one" urge is a killer but hey you made it through,i wrestled with this all weekend but i know if i get one ill go back for 6 of those tall boys,keep the good work!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Worst I've ever been

                                YAY Joe! Day 6 is're SOOO close to getting the coveted Nelz Star!

                                Good job fighting those cravings. The mental "pull" is hard to ignore, but please believe it DOES get easier. None of us would be successful if it stayed this hard forever! So trust that it will go away eventually. Your sleep will even out too! Hang in there!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

