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    Starting new

    I decided to post in the "just starting out thread" as I have made the decision to break it off with alcohol over the weekend. There are many new things happening for me and even though alcohol isn't technically interfering with my life I know that it isn't healthy for my body or mind, I will be a much clearer thinker and happier person without it in my life. I have been drinking on and off the past little while but I think it is time to cut the crap and stop drinking excessively because it isn't doing anything for me.
    So come Monday I will need support (lol) as I try this (again)...I have some books as well to read about quitting which I hope helps and I will also journal a lot more and my nights will be busy with the move and with school work so I am optimistic.
    So wish me luck - this will work, or it will get worse. I am the one that shapes my destiny...


    Starting new

    I will be in the same spot as you come Monday. I'm not sure why I don't this weekend though.....I'm tired of the abuse on my mind and body.

    All the best.


      Starting new

      yay bri is back! this time you are gonna get it,just stay put on monday and quit dissapearing girlie,im with you all the way,wishing you strength
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Starting new

        That's great,l quit 27 days ago, was sick of abusing my mind and body,LTS well worth it,l've been drinking socially a long time,but it started getting out of hand like almost bottles of wine a night or at least 5 nights a week,so l also had heartburn,which l no longer have,thank god,that was brutal, was just signs my body was giving me to stop drinking,anyway LTS not easy but ,doable, l don't go to AA not for me,but l got lots of support at home and my sis quit too,she lives 8 Mrs away but the phone is great,as well as my husband,and this site,so good for you don,t give up its so worth the health effects,LTS the devil,Lt calls you and you just keep having more, so non is your best bet,than you don't have to think about it and feel guilty,all the best!!


          Starting new

          HI BRIS

          Hey you-welcome back! You can do it!

          Let everyone here help you. Come here when you feel like drinking, or start the thinking about drinking. PM people! Load of support and encouragement here my friend.

          I wish you well


            Starting new

            Hmmmmmmmm, Im thinking of a new use for the Nelzstar.

            We'll call this one the welcomebackgogetem get the first one

            Stay strong, you can do this

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/2101631=7268-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Starting new

              Thanks so much everyone!

              Phin - I hear you about why not quitting NOW...I guess we just keep giving ourselves excuses...I think mentally though I will be more prepared to quit on Monday and I will quit disappearing! I don't know why I kept doing that - well, I do know...this way I could keep drinking...
              Thanks Nelz!!
              Thanks BCP, yea, AA isn't for me either, I tried it and it just made me more uncomfortable. I really wanted to drink after meetings...mind you; to each their own. It helps for some people and that is fantastic, but I really wanna do this for myself.
              How could I could quit smoking after 7 years but I can't quit drinking?!
              Anyways...I can't keep doing this...or I will be dead by the time I am 30 or I will be single, broke and look like $h!t. I don't want that.

              I will keep sticking to here. So be sure to see lots from me on Monday! :P
              Again, thank you everyone.



                Starting new

                Welcome back. I can definitely relate to your on again off again, here today, gone tomorrow actions. Let's try to stick around this time, eh... I am only on day 12 of my 'no wine of any kind' journey so not out of the woods yet. Let's both be strong and kick the idiot, alcohol to the curb for a final time.

                With you all the way and good for you for realizing your problem at such a young age. So many unwasted years ahead of you.

                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                ? Lao-Tzu


                  Starting new

                  O.K.~~ briseus~~ go for it on Monday!!!! I will be right there with you Monday to make it day one again. I have had many day 1's and was going fine until vacation. That always gets me how going away can be stressful and send me back to day 1. None the less here I am, feeling lousy about myself and knowing AL offers me nothing but pain and yet for the short term RELIEF it offers up I exact so much damage to myself. Well I will draw up my plan (AGAIN) and go for it anew. I have done it before so I guess it's just another Monday, jeez I'm depressed. Wish you well, see you oh the flip side,


                    Starting new

                    So Monday it is!


                      Starting new

                      Hi my dear friend Bri!!!

                      SO glad you're back STAY! :H

             Monday is here....Bri, Phin, Hypernova....let's do this! We are here for you. Stick close to us, we'll help you show alcohol who's BOSS.

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Starting new

                        Well here it is Monday, day 1. I need to stop and have my plan in place. I hope the fortitude necessary will be there when needed. Today I will not drink. I got through several weeks after reading one of Allen Carr's books then lost it. I know drinking is not an option but it is a powerful enemy. So as I said, no poison today and I will attempt to inculcate the devastation that AL is with the idea that I Can NOT drink AL.....period.

                        O.k.~briseus and phin how are you doing with your plan today? Please let me know..I'm interested to hear. ~ Thank you K9 for the support I appreciate it. I also know I need a place like this to go as it has helped in the past. I just need to get to the point where I am able to lay AL to rest ~ permanently.
                        "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"
                        So, goodbye AL.
                        I will say a small Prayer now and be at peace with my decision.


                          Starting new

                          how ya doing bri?check in let us know how day 1 is going
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Starting new

                            Okay so my check-in. Dun dun duuuun.
                            Well, I must admit I did drink last night. Why are day ones always so hard?? BUT I didn't drink nearly the amount that I usually do. So at least it's a start. I have to stop thinking of it as all or nothing because in the past it has led me into telling myself "oh well, I guess I might as well drink for the rest of the week since I screwed up day 1". Which I am not going to do this time. I have to pick myself up and dust myself off. I think it'll be easier for me as well as I am moving for the next few days so I won't even have time to drink. From work I go and move and the trek back and forth will take until night and then it'll be bed. So better luck tonight I hope.
                            Either way, I am not proud I drank but at least I am on some sort of right track.
                            I think with all the stress going on right now too doesn't help although I know that is no excuse. But at least I am here on the forum! Usually I would go run and hide and keep on drinking. So lets try this again..
                            I also need to stick around the newbies nest.

                            Ugh. Why is addiction so hard!?


                              Starting new

                              Hi Bri!

                              The pull of addiction is strong, but YOU are stronger!
                              Good luck with your move...and remember, don't "reward" yourself for all your hard work...unless it's with a hot bath and a good book! :l
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

