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Blackouts with Topa, detox, and more

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    Blackouts with Topa, detox, and more

    My DH took topa (25mg) for the 1st time yesterday, the bottle has a label that says "alcohol intensified effect", so how is okay for those that want to moderate drinking in this program take it? He does drink heavily, but yesterday he did not come home/call, and when he did at 5:30 this am, he was still drunk and says he has no idea what happened to him. I'm not sure if he was just heavily drinking and blacked out (even though he is an alcoholic he doesn't black out at all) or if it was the mix with the drug. He checked himself into a detox at a local hospital this afternoon, b/c he said something definitely did not feel right. Did anyone else have this reaction? At this point I'm not sure what to believe, many times it's the disease talking. But, I do want to support him. I am in alanon too.

    Blackouts with Topa, detox, and more

    I do not take Topa and wish I could help you more..people who do take Topa do speak of a "Topa dopa" effect where they are absent minded and somewhat spaced out .....hopefully someone else can come along and give better feedback
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Blackouts with Topa, detox, and more

      Hi there. I wish I could be of help but I don't take topa either. Hopefully, the doctors at the hospital will be able to tell you if the combination of alcohol and topa could have caused this. I have also heard that topa causes forgetfulness, absentmindedness, etc. So I can imagine that alcohol would only make that side effect worse. I hope you get some answers soon.
      :rays: mdb :rays:

      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

      Lots of work yet to do!


        Blackouts with Topa, detox, and more

        hi nla~
        The only thing I can say is that as with any prescription medicine that has any alcohol warning-you can not mix too much alcohol or none at all. You mentioned he drank heavily and when he came home he was still under the influence-so obviously he had quite a bit of alcohol in him and tried Topa for the first time. Not a good combo.

        The forgetfulness & absentmindedness side effects that are part of Topa are more like " having something on the tip of your tongue " and that side effect went away for me. He may have had way too much to drink or had an allergic reaction to the Topa or both. Can't say.

        This is my 2nd time on Topa. 1 1/2 yrs ago I failed on it b/c I decided to keep my "regular" drinking while on it. I wasn't mentally ready to quit & had no set goal. A definite recipe for failure.

        This past December I took another stab at it. Had a game plan. Started taking Topa again and have been alcohol free 100 days tomorrow.

        To answer your question, my Dr. told me to take my dosages at night if they made me tired...which they didn't. Each person reacts differently to the meds. Some people here can't tolerate it. I didn't get the Topa dopa. I got the tingly toes for 2 weeks that went away, some people didn't. Each person is different.

        Hope I answered your question & hope all goes well with your husband.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

