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Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

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    Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

    Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement yesterday. This morning I'm feeling real good. I'm trying to stay focused, get my mind, body, and spirit in sync, and totally aim to be kind to myself today. That means eating well, exercising, taking supplements, meditating (already did CD), and otherwise thinking about taking care of myself. Which, naturally, means laying off the alcohol. It's only 7:00 AM so I have a long day ahead of me. Wish me well...and I wish all of you well, too.


    Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

    Hi Becca,

    I certainly do wish you well .....You are so focused and committed that I know that you can do this.....


      Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

      Good Morning this for you...little treats for yourself seem to make this least for me.....hope you have an out standing day...Be strong:h buck


        Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

        Hi Becca~

        Sounds to me like you're on the right track! Never give up! You can do it!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

          Great Becks...Look after yourself sweetie, it sounds like you have a nice cosy day planned....
          Just one at a time eh? Think of it as a day at the spa....relax, eat well, and coset yourself

          Stay healthy're starting off FAB!!!!


            Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

            Well, it's a little after 3 PM and I'm still going strong. Have a plan for the next few hours (finish work, run errands, exercise) and then the "witching" hours start. Have a plan for them, too, that I usually throw out the window. Not tonight! I HAVE to stay strong...for me.

            Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. They mean so much. My husband is away on a LONG business trip and my mom is dying slowly. Just makes what is already hard harder. But lots of folks on this site have problems worse than me...and they are getting better and stronger...surely, if they can do it, so can I!



              Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

              Stay strong, You will love yourself tomorrow for doing it ....


                Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                Hi Becca:
                It is only 4pm my time (MST) so it must be around 6 pm your time. Hope you are still doing well. I used to live in NJ, not on the shore though. I was closer to the Western side, about 20 miles north of Princeton. Somerset County. It was pretty out there. Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that I was thinking about you and hoping the best for you this weekend. Keep up the good work on your Mind, Body and Spirit!
                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                  Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                  Crazy Thinking?

                  Saturday Morning (6:40 AM). Got through last night. Drank but didn't black out. Actually remember going to bed. Feel good this AM. I know its not AF, but 3-4 glasses is way better than my usual 6-9. I'd like to get to AF, but it may be in a stepwise fashion. Is that reasonable or crazy thinking?

                  NL, I'll be driving right through Somerset this AM. I have a best friend who lives there and my husband works there, too. Almost took a job there, as well. Although I sail at the shore (our sailboat is there), I actually live in Sussex County (NW NJ).

                  Today will be "easy". Will be with nondrinkers all day (hallelujeh!) and then the 2.5 hour drive home. Listened to the hypno CD already, will meditate before I leave, and am working still to keep mind/body/spirit focused on being healthy.



                    Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                    Hello Sailor




                      Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                      I am on the wagon with you this morning...had a rough day this week, but back to the supps and exercise this morning. I am on my way out to he flower beds in just a bit...thank God for flowers...they truly are my salvation.


                        Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                        Becca....How did Saturday go? Remember....think "progress....not perfection!" You're O.K.! Be proud of what you've already accomplished! This is a very difficult time for you. Tie a knot at the end of the rope and hang on. Just hang on. Just hang on.


                          Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                          Hi Becca! Quiting is hard..really really hard. I'm trying to cut down and wean myself off. My goal one day is to be AF. Be strong, everyone is here for you!


                            Mind, Body, SpiritKind to Me Today

                            Hi Everyone,

                            It's 7:20-ish on Sunday AM. Saturday went fine. I spend the entire day with my mom (who is passing away) and dad (who is holding up fairly well). Got home at 9:00 PM, ate a nice salad, watched a little TV, did my get-to-bed routine, and got to bed around 11:00. Drank but only 3 glasses of wine which for me (6-9 a day) is a miracle!

                            Have lots of distractions planned for today so am optimistic (hopeful not cocky). Thanks for all of your support.

                            Tired of Crying...I'm with you about flowers. I have tulips and fresh cut flowers all over my house. Not too good in the garden (we have too many deer) but when the weather warms up, I'll have planters and flower boxes all over the deck. Ah...Spring!

                            Popeye, I AM a sailor. Are you? It is the BEST medicine I know for staying sober. When I'm on the water, I'm in my element. No drinking allowed my the Captain (my husband). Too bad in NJ I have to wait until May to get the boat splashed, but it's April now and I've been doing well -- "progress not perfection" as Sami says.

                            This is a great place. I am getting so much support and feel like keeping my mind/body/spirit focused on my health is good medicine!

                            By the way, I have RJ's first CD's. Are the second ones worth spending the extra money? Are they really THAT much better than the original ones?

                            Happy first of April to all of you!


