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Day 3 AF

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    Day 3 AF

    To me that is not a big deal, been there before and have done longer. I am committed to 30 days at least. What are the descriptions of an alcoholic...soemtimes I wonder if I really am...excuses...
    I dont drink 3,4,5 bottles of wine, vodka whatever it is everynight, I dont wake up and crave a drink, I dont drink everyday, but most days I will stop by and have one or two at the pub. Alot of the time though that leads into full out getting blitzed and fighting with my husband and feeling like shit.
    I just want to believe that I am not, just get out of control once in a while, why not, everyone needs to let off steam and have fun. I really want to mod...why is this such an really sucks!!!

    Thanks - Barbie
    We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!

    Day 3 AF

    Hey Barbie E.....Sweetie, perhaps the issue isn't whether you are an alcoholic or not..but whether alcohol is causing problems in your life....If it is...and you seem to think so from your post, then a different approach to drinking is needed for your health and happiness...

    Letting off steam and having fun does not have to equal getting pie eyed.....Only you can decide whether you want/need to change any aspects of your seem to feel as though you are questioning whether this is really necessary?
    if you don't want to alter anything, that's fine obviously, but if you do want a bit of support with any issues related to the old vino tinto...then we're all here for you....

    Here's to the 30 days Missus!! Maybe you can use this time to have a think about what it is you actually want change, and how you can do it.....

    Sorry..That wasn't much help really was it...I'm not sure what you're aiming for...keep posting while you're doing your 30 days though!!
    Looking forward to seeing you 'round the boards...have a BIG read of everything here
    Weemelon x


      Day 3 AF

      wee - you are right alcohol does cause problems for my life, i do need to change and that is what i am attempting to do. I know it is necessary...I want to mod, and if I can then so be it...I just wish we all didnt have this problem, but wishing it away wont make it go away, on hard work and all you here will.
      I have ordered my cd's and Kaz...hopefully that will help!

      Thanks for listening
      We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


        Day 3 AF

        Barbie, your story related alot to me. I do the same things. It causes fights between me and my husband and I always tend to get pretty well buzzed every time. I usually wake up with hangover next day to feel like %$#^! I have to come to realization that I DO have a mind does trick me into thinking not.....but according to all the alcohol test I take....I AM!! I am not drink everyday girl either. Probably around 2 times during the week and weekends for sure. But I know and you probably do too, deep down if you are or not. Your intition will tell you.....It did for me.


          Day 3 AF

          Hi Barbie E, If you think it's causing a problem it's causing a problem. I too am a feisty drunk. This problem is not a one size fit all problem we all just try the best we can. Some days your a bird soaring then Bam you just flew into a house window. One day at a time sweetie. I live in Front Royal. Maybe one day we can get together for lunch


            Day 3 AF

            Simey, you just have the BEST way of putting things xx


              Day 3 AF

              Nice to know

              simeybear;114861 wrote: Hi Barbie E, If you think it's causing a problem it's causing a problem. I too am a feisty drunk. This problem is not a one size fit all problem we all just try the best we can. Some days your a bird soaring then Bam you just flew into a house window. One day at a time sweetie. I live in Front Royal. Maybe one day we can get together for lunch
              Hey Simey,
              Nice to know you are close. It would be nice to get together sometime and chat. I conquered day three now onto the next.

              Thanks alot
              We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


                Day 3 AF

                Simeybear, agree with Betty Boop and you have a way of making us laugh at the worst! Keep them coming.
                A BushBaby with Attitude


                  Day 3 AF

                  I am the same way! I dont drink everyday, in the daytime etc... but i have always had "rules" for my drinking. Dont drink in the day or 2 days in a row- it took me YEARS to realize if I have rules at all theres a problem!
                  I started reading the MWO book yesterday and RJ said she would take the are you an alcoholic test and it would always say yes- she would keep taking them as if looking for a legitamate test! funny!
                  anyway I myself have noticed a difference in myself since August where the drinking is passing into physical sypmtoms. I feel some sort of withdrawel now- similar to when i quit smoking and it scares the crap out of me....

                  Have you noticed that with yourself ?



                    Day 3 AF

                    Hi Barbie.

                    It drives me nuts too that i cant just drink what i want when I want without considering it a problem...but thank God i somehow got a wake up call and thought i dont want to get worse drink wise than where i already am.

                    We are all not best pleased that we have developed a drink problem of whatever magnitude and at times I have thought stuff it .. i.'ll,, do what i like. My experience is the guilt comes back to bite me..thats what sends me the SOS...guilt!!

                    So like you I.m here to try and moderate eventually(There might be a fat chance of that and i end up having to go for sobriety) .

                    Its not easy and out mind sets need reframing..if you go with a sense of deprivation then thats doom and gloom stuff.

                    i,m trying to rethink what alcohol offers me.......?what does it add to my life??what has it added to my life...maybe problems, guilt, embarrasment, lack of control.

                    Of course i have had many fun times too when alcohol ahs been involved.

                    i dont want to end up a drunken women in my retirement, wetting myself and trying to stuff an incontinent pad down my jeans at the age of 60, 70 80 ....whatever age I end up!

                    Its not a good look..i,ve worked in health care for years and it scares me to see the amount of people with alcohol related dementias and a whole range of horrible physical illnesses throught the booze.

                    so for today i journey on with life hoping and seriously praying that I get whatever it takes to seriously cut down or quit the booze!

                    6 weeks today alcohol free and i havent had to hide away. Meal out last night.Off to see a group tonight with friends.

                    i have to say the biggest and most helpful strategies so far have been
                    This hubby doing Af with closest girlfried doing Af with me...The discipline of prayer/ spritual reading twice a day..

                    ope to any other hints on how to keep going!!

                    regards Cassy


                      Day 3 AF

                      I feel the label whether it be alcoholic, alcohol dependent, party animal, drunk, tipsy, et has no bearing on my life. What does have total bearing is how you feel about yourself.



                        Day 3 AF

                        Hi Barbie, totally relate to your post even though I KNOW I AM AN ALCOHOLIC, I still at times think oh maybe I'm not....... usually before a binge.... which when I come out of, can't believe I actually thought I could do it. I find this happens when I am listening to others, usually at work, talking about how ratarsed they were at the weekend, coming out with stories that have either happened to me too or that I can defo relate too and these are not alcoholic women (funny how we can somehow tell) which makes me think to myself oh I am just like them - the difference to me now is that I KNOW I am not like them, I cannot drink like them, I am an alcoholic and my life will never be the same as it was before this. I do know that I don;t want to be Lorna the drunk any more and with the help of those here I WILL conquer this. Take care.

                        Lorna xx
                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

