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    I'm scared not to try something. Over the years, I've tried everything from anti depresents, Antabuse, Revia, to staying on an island with out acess to booze. I am sucessfull in my
    career, very fit, and motivated. But what does it take?? A heart attack, a stroke, or the alienation of all my friends and family.
    The craving is intense at times, like a clock. I get home from work, or workout, whatever
    the bang I screw it all up.
    I came across this site and have a slight glimmer of hope, a pinprick of white light in the distance.
    Yhis weekend I have to go to Las Vegas, I'm taking my girlfriend for her birthday, and I am terrified that I will fall into the abyss all over again. I know I can start over again when I get back, but I want to start NOW.



    Hi Bluequad:welcome:

    We all have to start somewhere, right?

    We'll meet you at your starting point.

    Have you downloaded the book yet?

    I've tried almost everything too. The kudzu in high doses is doing a great job of helping me wait before the first drink and helping me call it a night sooner rather than later.

    There is hope here! You've found a great group to support you in your journey
    :h :h :h :h



      Hi & :welcome:

      You certainly have come to the right place, Read, read, and read more posts, The people here are so supportive, when I started I was drinking 3 bottles of wine everyday (last november), my life was a mess .... Now i'm AF most weekdays and only drink at weekends, usually only 3-4 glasses, If I can do it then anyone can.....

      All the best .............



        Don't be scared bluequad. you have found this site and everyone is so supportive. I could not do without the people here. All the best to you. Bella xx



          Thank you!!

          I have tears in my eyes as I write this, thank you so much for your encouragement.
          I don't feel so alone.
          I just ordered the book and cd's plus a starter kit of supplements.
          I'll be waiting by the door.





            You aren't alone....we're all here for each other. You can do it.....the supps help A LOT. Keep reading and talking to us, it has saved me so many times. And if you fall, just start again.



              Hey Blue:
              Welcome to MWO. you will love it here. Read everything you can, then go back and read it all again. Talk to us often. That has certainly helped me. No one here judges you cause, and trust me on this one, we have all been there my new friend. One of my favorite sayings from this site has been "fall down seven times, get up eight times."
              That pin prick of white light will just keep getting bigger and bigger. I am glad to hear that you are getting the book and the supps. They are a huge help.
              Welcome again!!!!
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:




                That's a toughie.

                DidItForMe SaidItForMe. (again)

                This is a beautiful place.

                Stay awhile.



                  Blue, as you, I never know when the urge to drink will rise up. When I'm happy when I'm sad. I just can't tell you. But what I can tell you is everyone is absolutley right!
                  Do what everyone else has said read and take your supplements. know that this is not a journey you take alone.
                  I care



                    The mountains of VA.
                    Is that Virginia?



                      Blue it is terrifying to think of giving up on drinking. If you dont make it this time start when you get back. I have been sober for 3 days, i have read the book, just got the CD'S today. I should have some Topa in a week or so. Just try and have positive thoughts. You can do it
                      Its strange being sober; huh, so this is how normal people are :H



                        this morning I was almost suicidal. I sat here and watched the screen till somebody wrote me back. And the support started pouring in. I know how scared you are about Vegas. I travel there on business and always drink too much. But this can be your challenge to yourself to prove you can do it. (I'm preaching to myself). I just got the supps in the mail today. It may be the placebo effect, but I feel better just knowing that I am putting something healthy in my body. Hang in there!



                          Where there is a will there is a way. Take baby steps. Little accomplishments go very far. And remember-we're always here.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                            Dito Simeybear, never was a truer word said.

                            BlueQuad, just when I feel proud and happy in my attempt at abstinance I get frightened that that Big Scarey Monster call booze is going to come and grab me from the rear. My savior is knowing that there is a huge wide, international circle of people out there who I never knew existed til I joined MWO, fighting the same fears . It makes all the difference. Take small but positive steps to start with. Why not regulate the amount you drink during your Las Vagas trip by making sure that after every alcoholic drink you must stick to one non alcoholic drink (it can be as imaginative & wacky as you like), followed by a glass of sparkling water (pretend its champas) before rewarding yourself with another alcoholic drink. Just an idea and a positive step in the right direction! Best of luck. Keep us posted.
                            A BushBaby with Attitude



                              Welcome Blue, Congratulate yourself that you have found MWO, this is the greatest place on earth for you/us. You will find that whatever stage you are at someone else is right there with you. Welcome.

                              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

