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Who am I?

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    Who am I?

    you know I have these thoughts. me who am i?
    a mom
    a professional
    the person who will bust a move self titled "brokeback walrus" got the visual? at 2 am at a dance party pretty drunk obviously
    the funny one
    the one must likely to puke
    now 10 days af realizing i only drink for the buzz and knowing how much booze i need to consume to get there i don't know if i can be the dance hall star at 2 am hell i am in bed at 9
    who am i what defines me i don't even know does anyone struggle with this identity crisis i guess it is part and parcel of forging a new path but i feel faceless and selfless not really rude anymore maybe just plain mama

    Who am I?

    Rudemama, you are a very special person, to all of us at MYO, never ever forget that ......

    We all love you and are here for you xx


      Who am I?

      You know you are.
      You know who you want to be.
      It's all part and parcel.
      You choose.


        Who am I?

        You are a person figuring out who you really want to be now. It's interesting when you visualize yourself before isn't it. I often do that and find myself wondering how I did it.

        I am proud of you and you should be too!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Who am I?

          I completely understand RM. I have been going through an identity crisis myself. It's like I am a total nobody all of a sudden. I am a mother, a wife, a boss, so what. Who am I really? I have no feakin' idea. How have I gone through all of these years and been invisible to myself?
          If you find a way to find yourself, please let me know.
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            Who am I?

            Hey Plain Mama! that's not a bad name. Nothing wrong with being plain. Don't we all wish we were just plain people. It's a dream for us.
            You don't know who you are right now - but trust me, I know who you are. You are a very strong and helpful person. I have posted here at times that I have been at my lowest, and you have always been here for me with words of support. You are a kind and giving person. You are part of our family.
            Ok, OK, you are a mother, a professional, and a boss. But that doesn't define you. You are also a good person who is overcoming a disease.
            I see on the news broadcasts that this person or that person has an illness - cancer or something. Everyone says they will fight it and overcome it. Then the press makes a big hero out of him or her. I have never seen anyone come on TV and say they are an alcoholic and will fight it and overcome it. That would not be cool, and they would not be treated like a hero. But they should be.
            Who are you? You are a hero - you can be my hero. Working hard to overcome this illness and doing a great job at it.
            Be proud - be very, very proud!:wave:
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Who am I?

              I hear you on that one. Lately I find myself wondering who the hell am I. I look in the mirror and see my reflection, but that's about it these days. Fighting inner demons everyday is exhausting and a constant battle. And on top of that we still have to function like a normal person and perform everything. To be a mother, a wife, the maid, the personal shopper, the cook, the chauffer, a daughter, a sister, goes on and on and it's so tiring when we have to deal with this as well.


                Who am I?

                I know exactly what you mean. getting to know the sober you again? I feel that i have become terribly boring! I think it just takes time to work out and get to like ourselves again. But, I am struggling myself so probably not much help. I still think you are RUDEMAMA! And you are a great person. Love Bella xxx


                  Who am I?

                  Thanks all for responding and all the love.:h I t is interesting Mags the overcoming disease sensation in the news of late. They are heroes and we have admiration for them. Again the identity thing came up I was at a party and I am embarassed to say I am 12 days af at the same time I am trumpeting it in my head and heart I guess I don't want to be a sensation to them but I am someone new and special to myself and to all of you here. I guess plain is ok for now. I love you here. Thank You Rudemama


                    Who am I?

                    Hey, there

                    I struggle with an identity crisis, too. I hear you.
                    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


                      Who am I?

                      Hey Rude,
                      I think we all struggle..I feel like a big bump on a log...just blending into the background. I liked me when I was fun and partying ( at least I thought I did) and everyone else seemed to like me too - sure they were all drunk as well. We will find ourselves and love the person we are because we are SPECIAL!!!
                      We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!

