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Going to go on this journey starting Monday and would like a friend to chat with. I am a working mother of 3 and a wife. I have been drinking wine to numb myself and sometimes can drink 2 bottles at night. I only drink in the evening. I am so embarrassed and disgusted with myself. :new:My husband drinks as do many of our friends. I want to quit for 60 days and then see how it goes. Anyone just staring out that would like to chat??Tags: None
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I'm new around here too. Unfortunately I can't chat right now, but people seem overall to be friendly. If you can't find anyone to chat with, just read and post, and welcome (even though it feels weird saying that given I'm new, too)In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased
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Hello you two. Former wine drinker here. I have been here for a long time and am only just now finding sobriety but hopefully, you'll both catch on quickly and not think you're the exeption to the rule .. like I did.
MySecret, you are wise to have a goal of sixty days. Your head will be clear by then and you'll really be reaping the benefits of ridding yourself of the wine. I am enjoyong non-alcohol beer, soda and juice, teas galore and don't really miss it mostly.
Try to cultivate a feeling of gratitude for the ability to recognize and work towards being alcohol free rather than let the feelings of deprivation work their trickery. That is very helpful for me at 18 days sober. Anyways, so glad you are both here. xxTipplerette
I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
? Lao-Tzu
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The best tip is to eat a LOT. You rarely have cravings if your stomach is full.
Eat good food, vegetables and protein, be kind to yourself, get treats for this first few weeks. Rest often, you will feel very tired.
Come here often and read A LOT and post often.......writing out your intentions retrains your brain.
You can do this, have courage, plan rather than hope.
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How are you fairing today Mysecret?? Come on and let us know.Tipplerette
I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
? Lao-Tzu
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Hi mysecretkyl,well lM newer too beeing sober for 34 days,l am doing okay,l like you had the same problem ,wine while making dinner than through the night,so yes lt was good to quit,l want to quit for life, don,t want to go on the roller coaster of have a little and work up to a lot,soon after ,so here l am,anytimel'm around d a lot these days,helps,glad you joined us,were all in the same boat,we don,t want to be defined by alcohol,mine was wine mostly,keep coming here it helps,l love that all of you are helping me to,thanks a lot!
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:welcome: Mysecret.
Many of us share your secret and the greatest thing is that here, you don't have to keep secrets! An anonymous forum with people who understand you is a very liberating place to be! Like you, many of us here are spouses, parents, workers --- otherwise fine, functioning people who are plagued with an addiction to alcohol.
At the beginning, a great place to hang out is the Newbies Nest. The link is in my signature, as is one to the Toolbox which is full of a variety of tips and techniques for getting out of this mess. There are people at all stages in the nest - I'm sure you will be able to find a pal at an early stage. Also, feel free to ask questions of people ahead of you. No one hangs out in the nest unless they want to help.
I'm glad you found MWO and I hope to see you in the nest! :h NS
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Hi Secret and :welcome::
Your situation is exactly my situation. I have been getting AL out of my life now for nearly a year and MWO it is a HUGE part of my recovery. No way I would be anywhere near the health and wealth I am now.
We don't have a live chat here Pert se though I know there is a Chat Room somewhere here.
From what I understand, people don't use it that much.
Most if not all of us post our journeys on threads like you just did and people will always be there to respond sooner or later.
And of course you can read all the their threads -as Sugar said, the Nest is very active! And a great place to start and settle in. Lots of experienced and kind people over there. :l
The 4-7 period is called The Witching Hour and t is well named...mine started at about three and ended around nine depending... I also drank a ton of lemon water..always had a big colorful cup with me. Also hot coca in the evenings and ice cream on occasion.
To get thru in the beginning i made lite dinners and then just hibernated as best I could with my iPad and lots of Star Trek episodes :H
My children are young and very demanding so You know that's a challenge.
Are you getting hubby support? You said he drinks as well as do your friends. Thats hard, I understand :l I have lost friends Otis journey but my family is getting closer.
Stay close here Spirit. You are is great safe place! :l :hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
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Hello both, put aside the money you would have spent on alcohol for the first week. - if you are 100% honest with yourself you will be shocked at how much the habit was costing, then go and buy yourself something frivolous, something you would never normally buy.
I set off with a ninety day target,when I got there (and you will be amazed how fast the time passes) I realised I never wanted to wake up with a fuzzy head (on a good day, rampant hangover most of the time that had become the norm), the risk of being stopped by the police on the way to work, no phone no money and no memory. I now love the absolute freedom being sober ggives me.
Try it- you won't want to go backAF since 9 December 2012 :yay:
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As I have stated before, my PM(Private Message) door is open to any and all 24/7
I have no problem answering questions, talking about my experience, or just listening to others. This is my busy season so I dont get on here as much as when its slower, but will ALWAYS read/respond to PM's
Im not ashamed of any aspect of what AL has done to me, or in my life....if sharing can help someone else beat AL....well....Im all for it :welcome:Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11
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Hi Mysecret,
Welcome - you will find that this site makes you feel like you are "not the only one". I too was a 2 bottle/day wine drinker. When it became a habit for me to drink during the day, that's when I decided that I was treading in very dangerous waters. I was becoming very irritable with co-workers, friends and family members. I was losing touch with my daughters (28, 24, 21) - definately didn't like that feeling. Wanted more out of life. So here I am - fairly sober since January 1st. I've had 4 "cheat" days because I thought I could be an occasional drinker. If you drink 2 bottles of wine a day, you can't drink occasionally - you will eventually start back to square one. So now I'm trying to quit all together. I have been sober since April 17th. Sure I miss it, but when I wake up in the morning I am so proud of myself! You can do it!