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    Want a friend

    Hi Mysecret

    I am also a mother - two young daughters - and I drank a bottle of wine (sometimes with a g&t or two on top) most nights.

    I am on day 4 now and am already feeling so much better - mentally and physically. My husband also drinks but has also not had any the last two days.

    It's good to see you here. My diary is on here too - pop along any time xx
    AF since Halloween 2016

    Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


      Want a friend

      First Day AF...... again

      OK.. Starting out again today. Why didn't i come here when I wanted to drink the past 3 nights? So many great ideas for help. I feel anxious but I am dealing with the cravings tonight. Had a big, healthy dinner and lots of water.....


        Want a friend

        I've had so many day ones I've lost count. Get up, dust yourself off and keep going. If the cravings are too much, there are many different meds that can help.
        In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


          Want a friend

          mysecretkle;1502698 wrote: OK.. Starting out again today. Why didn't i come here when I wanted to drink the past 3 nights? So many great ideas for help. I feel anxious but I am dealing with the cravings tonight. Had a big, healthy dinner and lots of water.....
          How are you doing today, Secret?
          My anxiety was very bad last night as well. Looks like we are on day 2 together. Lets make this quit stick.


            Want a friend

            Welcome Mysecret (sounds strange as this is only my second day here). Spend time going through the different threads, there's an amazing amount of life experience here.


            Is that true? eat a lot? I've never heard that before. Wow, pass the carrot sticks!!


              Want a friend

              Hi guys

              You know, the eat alot thing means healthy but filling with not a ton of carbs. Not sure which one of u sent me the link to a wonderful site where it explained how people who crave alcohol have a reason they do, nutritionally. Very enlightening. BUT.....I will be on day one again tomorrow. Had a glass of wine already. I don't think I could hate myself more. I have put on so much weight. I think now I drink to escape my fat belly. Where do I draw the line and put myself in rehab? Never thought I needed it but I want to quit for 30 days and cant seem to make that happen


                Want a friend

                didnt make it

                shelbysmiles;1502952 wrote: How are you doing today, Secret?
                My anxiety was very bad last night as well. Looks like we are on day 2 together. Lets make this quit stick.
                I stink. Had wine last nite. Mad at myself. I truely believe I know why I am doing it but why cant I stop????????????????????????????????????????/


                  Want a friend

                  Secret, I've had so many day ones, I've lost count. Just get up, dust yourself off and keep going. Have you given any more thought to anti-craving meds? I'm on day 16 now, and am convinced that I would have cracked by now without the campral. I usually got to about the two week mark before caving and going back to square one.
                  In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                    Want a friend

                    Secret, Everyone of us have fallen,many,many times. Dust yourself and try again.I have been unable to stop drinking for any length of time without medication. Can I suggest you see a DR and discuss it with him/her. Good Luck and keep us up to date on your progress.


                      Want a friend

                      Secret, I just wanted to add that if you're not interested in trying meds, there are supplements that can help with the cravings. I found both kudzu and l-glutamine to be very helpful in the early days. Get the l-glutamine in powder form and put a big spoonful in your mouth when you start to have cravings. It really does work.

                      And keep trying - no need to put yourself down, it's an addiction not a character flaw. Just keep trying, evaluating what went wrong, and trying again. It will stick if you don't give up.
                      AF since 6JUN2012


                        Want a friend

                        hi my secret
                        what pixie said is so true!!!
                        I too was a bottle of wine (sometimes more) a night drinker for many years. Husband, kids, house, full time job....I was highly functioning, yes, but not really living the way I wanted to. I knew for a long time that I needed to quit and I tried many times. It is a PROCESS

                        Just keep posting and reading and be careful of HALT. HALT is when you become one, some or all of the following: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These are the four biggest triggers with the first, hunger, being the worst!!! Have dinner, then have something sweet along with some herbal tea and then just get into bed. Pretend you are sick with the flu and can't help out around the house. You NEED time to pamper yourself.
                        If you can't bear the thought of getting into bed and you want to MOVE, go outside and go for a walk. Work up a sweat....Move a muscle and you will change a thought.
                        I am rooting for you!!! You can do it....if you want it, you will succeed.
                        I hope to see you in the nest!!
                        I just won't anymore

