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Hello! New here!

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    Hello! New here!

    Hello everyone. I am really glad I found this forum, I seem to have been searching and searching and then giving up.

    I have been a binge drinker for almost 15 years now. I can go days, sometimes a few weeks without drinking, but then I have 1 glass of wine, which leads to 2 - 3 bottles by the time I am done. I blackout, and can't remember anything. My husband is always with me, but he says I was fine, I just passed out on the couch, or if we are over friends houses, he tells me everyone was drinking. I don't think everyone drinks like me.

    I feel as if I have to chug down the wine to catch a buzz, so I drink them so fast. I hate this pattern because then I always seem to wind up looking like an ass at a family party. I am sure everyone talks about me. I have a toddler at home, too and I really don't want to continue this way in front of her.

    I never went to AA, just looking for any suggestions. Like I said I can go long stretches with no wine, but it seems like once I am in a social setting, a party, etc...I drink entirely way too much. My husband is helpful but sometimes I think he just sugarcoats everything.

    Any sugguestions? Thanks so much!! :new: :thanks:

    I am so tired of this evil cycle and what it is probably doing to the inside of my body!

    Hello! New here!

    Hi Princessjolsin and a huge welcome. You've come to a great place on MWO with lots of lovely people and lots of support.

    I think most of us here relate to the faulty 'stop' button - once you a have the first glass, you can't seem to switch off and behave like a 'normal' drinker. You need to decide on a plan - do you want to stop drinking completely (this seems to be the answer for most of us here).

    Why don't you plan 30 days alcohol free to begin with and use that time to read through this website, plan how you are going to do this. I'm now 37 days AF and loving being sober. It's been hard, but the clear head and not feeling ashamed or embarrassed by my drinking (or behaviour whilst drinking) plus no more hangovers is worth every bit of effort.

    Why not go over to the Newbies Nest and join the gang over there - lots of lovely people exploring and discovering the joys of an alcohol free life! :welcome:
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      Hello! New here!

      Thanks snapdragon!!! Wow, great news for you..37 days. I also forgot about the hangovers...ughhh...I am always super depressed the next day.

      I will go to the other forum and post! Thank you for your advice and best of luck to you!!! :thanks:


        Hello! New here!

        Good morning!

        In addition to the Newbies Nest that Snap told you about, there is a Toolbox full of tips and tricks to get you going. The link is in my signature.


        NS :h


          Hello! New here!

          princessjolsin;1502359 wrote: Thanks snapdragon!!! Wow, great news for you..37 days. I also forgot about the hangovers...ughhh...I am always super depressed the next day.
          Funny how that works, isn't it? I frequently used to drink to relieve anxiety, but in the end it only made the anxiety worse. Anyway, welcome and good luck with whatever course of action you decide to take.
          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


            Hello! New here!

            Hi Princess you sound like me, I too can go weeks without drinking then go on benders, but mine happen to last days!
            I've made a decision to quit and have not drank at all in 2013 and feel great as I've not had any embarrassing moments or any of those horrible anxious mornings.
            Stick close to this site people have so much good information xx
            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
            Day by day

