I have been a binge drinker for almost 15 years now. I can go days, sometimes a few weeks without drinking, but then I have 1 glass of wine, which leads to 2 - 3 bottles by the time I am done. I blackout, and can't remember anything. My husband is always with me, but he says I was fine, I just passed out on the couch, or if we are over friends houses, he tells me everyone was drinking. I don't think everyone drinks like me.
I feel as if I have to chug down the wine to catch a buzz, so I drink them so fast. I hate this pattern because then I always seem to wind up looking like an ass at a family party. I am sure everyone talks about me. I have a toddler at home, too and I really don't want to continue this way in front of her.
I never went to AA, just looking for any suggestions. Like I said I can go long stretches with no wine, but it seems like once I am in a social setting, a party, etc...I drink entirely way too much. My husband is helpful but sometimes I think he just sugarcoats everything.
Any sugguestions? Thanks so much!! :new: :thanks:
I am so tired of this evil cycle and what it is probably doing to the inside of my body!