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please god help!

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    please god help!

    please please please help me, i am new here...and i need to stop! i am sat here with a bottle of Magners and i need to quit...please god help me! i don't know how i can stop...i have tried but i turned back to it...i am still only 20 and i know i am hooked, depression, anxiety and agoraphobia led to it and now it is unstoppable...please please help me...*sobs*

    oh and btw hello...
    http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again

    please god help!

    Hello there e.
    Calm down.
    Slow down.
    Don't panic.

    Stay a while.
    You're more than:welcome:


      please god help!

      HELLO and Welcome
      Calm down and just take a minute to realize that you have taken the first step and you will be OK. You just have to want to be OK.
      Keep posting and keep talking. We will keep talking to you. You will be alright.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        please god help!

        i guess i am just so sick of this...i have been drinking since about 11-12 and haven't really stopped since *she says looking at the cans that tend to surround her daily*
        http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


          please god help!

          Welcome Existence, there are lots of people who can advise you so keep coming back Bella x


            please god help!

            Hi Existence poor old duck, your feelings are completely recognisable to this little melon...before I joined this site...I really thought that alcohol would cause my death, and could see no way out!!! It fuels the cycle too doesn't it? Drink...hate yourself...drink to escape hate and guilt....hate yourself...and so the downward spiral goes on...

            I have been an alcoholic for the last 20 years...pausing only briefly for a breather when I was pregnant with my daughter......and NEVER thought I would be where I am now. I joined My Way Out on December the 7th last year, and have been sober ever since!

            That is not to say that logging on here is a magic wand that makes it all just 'go away'....but here is where I started to be able to make my own magic the form of advice, supps, meds, the cds and the reading material....and the FANTASTIC feedback from all the wonderful, supportive folks here, who will NEVER let you down when you need them...

            Go through the boards Ex...and read, read, all the 'my stories', and then go to long term mods and abs and see just how so many of the folk here are turning their lives around in a way that they never thought would be possible. It really helped me when I got here to see the success, and to realise that this thing WAS injection of hope can sometimes be the best thing to get the ball rolling...despondency can strip all your impetus and reasoning, and leave you wallowing around in the mire without being able to take, or even see, that first step out....

            Read about the supplements and medications you can take to help you with your resolve to develop a healthier approach to drinking...and have a look at some of the threads from those who have tried the cds...these can be especially useful at those times when you feel the NEED, and may provide a really good, relaxing distraction, to see you through...

            And keep posting...let us know what you try that works, and what doesn't...there will always be folk here that can offer advice and alternatives if needed..

            Be strong Girl....getting here is your first baby step....and it's bigger than it seems believe me!!
            See you round the boards chicken:h:
            Weemelon x (love the avatar by the way!!)


              please god help!

              Hi Existence..sounds loke you are desperate to give it a whirl.

              Maybe plan for tomorrow to keep busy doing anything except drinking? i found I needed to keep busy..and the first step to that is the hardest...maybe it will be hour by hour.

              maybe sit on the computer Sunday getting a feel of this site?lots of young peopel who like you dont want to go down the "self destruct" road but dont know how to stop it.

              Do you have somebody on board with you ie doctor, counsellor?...some people go to AA meetings and that will get the local groups of the internet.

              sometimes its a matter of making that first step to break the cycle...and you have just done have decided you have had enough of the way things are...KEEP POSITIVE

              .Read whats helped others on this site, share your anguish with somebody you can trust..and remember you are "good enough"..not preaching but it helps me to remeber "nothing is impossible with God on your side""

              good luck



                please god help!

                you know melon i like you already thank you for the words of advise and i pray i can get on the stragiht before it costs me anything. my job, the love of my life or my own life. thank you and PS the avatar i love too my girlfriend sent it to me and i had to use is so me :h

                and to Cassy and everyone who has posted up to now thank you...i hope i can get on the striaght and narrow again...but being a lesbian i am never really onthe straight and narrow :P lol main problem is i am off for two weeks from work, i work in a school and it is of course the easter holidays! so two bestfriend is in Spain and i am stuck in england alone with nothing to do and i hate resorting to drink for myboredem, my depression, my anxiety, for anything...i hope i can get better for mine and my girlfriend's sake
                http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                  please god help!

                  Hi Existence,

                  Ok so you are home alone..thats crap but it could be a positive thing.
                  What about getting a 2 week health planas a goal while your friend is away?Us women can always use a little pampering cant we??

                  So why not just plan tonight ..if you have had a few beers on board already then maybe you dont make it any worse...otherwise the tears flow and guilt arrrives etc ...crappy feeling. s

                  if not sloshed..then think how to fill 3 -4 hours this evening before you hit the bed!!cook yourself a health meal..get the wok out!!

                  Plan TV? do a few chores? Tify up the body bits..face pack, de fuzz whatever. go for a walk anything except drink some more...dont ring anyone when you have a few beers on board...its always regrettable!!!

                  Maybe your friend will apppreciate comiing back to a calmer "existence" who i more positive for having done a few days alcohol might take your relationship onto another level?

                  My hubby and I have been alcohol free for 42 days now and honestly it is good..a bit boring at first. Then I realised how i hid behind a glass of wine . Maybe your friend drinks a lot too..if so invite her on board so you can both do this together ...even from afar...well spain isnt that far!!
                  Get planning how to fill a few hours without the booze..if its not possible for today...Then sunday am jump on here and get the support you need to get cracking...You can do it and you sound so ready to make a start...dont let the opportunity pass you by!!

                  Tak to get ready for a meal out with hubby...curry and soda water...i,m getting used to it.waheteve you achieve today...dont beat yourself up!!...



                    please god help!

                    Hiyah! We are all here for you and are all going through the same thing. I have been on here for three weeks now and the people and support are amazing. I'm 30, married with a 1 year old baby girl..but, suffer from the same thing as everyone else here. And the beauty of this is that you are not alone. And if you keep coming here you will never be alone again in this.

                    Just calm down, chill out a bit..take a cold shower or something (not too cold though, I'm not that insane) and take a deep breath. )


                      please god help!

                      HI E. Welcome!!

                      You are on as straight and narrow path as anyone. This world can be crazy sometimes!!

                      Great advise above here. One more little piece, it is a beautiful spring day in Europe? Go take a 20 minute walk, breathe deep, take in the spring sites, sounds and smells. With each breathe in tell yourself and picture yourself as a happy and healthy girl. stop at a store that has little Hobby type things that you like to do or a book store if love to read. Download RJ's book here, full of great ideas and some how to do this ideas also.

                      I wish you the best on this journey. YOU CAN DO THIS!!



                        please god help!

              're a duck:h:.....
                        She just has the gift of letting you know just how good sober can be don't she Ex????

                        I'd go with ALL her ideas...or at least try....use this as two weeks of 'Existence' pampering....keeping yourself busy with necessary things AND the good stuff...we all need a treat...just remember....alcohol is NOT a treat if it makes you feel like a bag of crap...that is one thing that being on this site has taught me...
                        Love yourself EX...and get 'de-fuzzing'
                        Who knows...your name could well change from Existence to 'Yippee...I'm ALIVE!!!'

                        Weefuzzymelon (I think I should take some od Casses advice!!hahahahaha)


                          please god help!

                          Quoting for Emphasis

                          Who knows...your name could well change from Existence to 'Yippee...I'm ALIVE!!!'

                          Yeah, I get this Mellon. Completely. Glad to say I want from "damn, another f'ing day," to "Damn, what a beautiful day."

                          Hang in there Ex. I had severe agoraphobia when I was younger. Started getting panic attacks when I was 15. Had them on and off for years. Of course, being in public is what triggered them, so I became afraid to leave the house. When I started to drink, I immediately found out that the booze could numb my feelings of anxiety. Well, I don't have to tell you, do I? I noticed that a lot of people on this board suffer from depressions, anxiety, and other things, so in no way are you alone here. Great place for advice on so many of life's problems. Oh, and :welcome:
                          where does this go?


                            please god help!

                            Hullo and welcome... keep posting and keep looking in, this site is the best in the world and has completely changed me around. WE CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!! NO DOUBTS!

                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                              please god help!

                              The jumping toast lady has it right!!! We can all do this together! You are never alone when you keep posting here. Believe it or not, we have all been where you are now, and sometimes we go back there from time to time. But those times become less frequent as we all win this battle together. Just join us. You will win also.
                              You are a very good person, Existence. Don't ever be ashamed of yourself. Just be among friends who love you already. From now on things will be much better. Read RJ's book, get the cd's and the supps. And keep posting.
                              :welcome: :huggy
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

