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please god help!

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    please god help!

    Hi Existence
    at least you recognize that something is not quite right, and you have the strengh to write about it. to me that's a big step.
    It took me a really long time to get to that point. stay strong.
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      please god help!


      I didn't read all the responses to your post but it seems as though, and I don't know how to put this, but if you have a drinking problem on top of anxiety and depression it is much worse.

      In my experience being on every anti depressant and sedative for anxiety, the only words that fit are IT HURTS emotionally. You will live but can you go to a doctor for meds? Like Xanax, just to get through till you can clean out your system.

      I only say this because I have been on so many antidepressants, there is light at the end of the tunnel hang in there I mean here. Let us all know how you are doing. :l
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        please god help!


        :welcome: Existence,

        Can't add to the great advice already given - great group of people here to support 24/7 so hang with us and we'll get through together :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          please god help!

          i know/hope that eventually i can get through this...when my friend comes back from his holiday i know he can help me and my girlfriend supports me everyday and loves me for me. thank you for all of your wonderful and all of your wonderful avatars! i love the jumping toast

          thank you all already and i hope i can pull thorugh this x
          http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


            please god help!

            Hi Ex, yes I quite like the jumping toast avatar, reminds me of how I feel when I wake up alchol free from the night before.... I just changed it yesterday from my 'We Can Do It' avator so am glad you like it.

            Take care.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              please god help!

              use MWO to occupy yourself - its great company

              So what if you are a lesbian, you can be on the straight and narrow as much as the next person. Being on the straight and narrow has nothing to do with who you chose to love. Smile... cos you have found your special person..... MANY MANY PEOPLE HAVEN'T.

              You've found MWO so take heart. You'll get loads of advise and undiscriminating friendship here during your fight against alcohol. Spend these next days getting aquainted with this site and how it can help you. You're friend will undoubtedly be very proud of you. You're not alone here. Take one step at a time and use MWO to occupy yourself. Time will fly by fast and you will feel stronger. WELCOME.:welcome: SMILE and the world will smile with ya.
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                please god help!

                Hey Existence, I am 23, I joined MWO back in December, and I was going crazy!! It took me two weeks to get up the courage to go for it, but after finding a few friends in here I was able to realize that I was stronger that I thought. I have been AF for 79 Days now. Go around all these forums and read the stories, you will be amazed at the people here. I understand the boredom, I decided to really quit when my boyfriend was going out of town for three weeks, and I was going to be completely alone...a good idea, and a bad idea. But I was on here reading like crazy! I wish you the best.

                It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                James Gordon, M.D.


                  please god help!

                  Um I think it was mentioned before but this is not a sexual orientation sight it's about being ,no polite way to put this but, being a drunk I am and I am not proud of it.
                  AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                  Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                    please god help!

                    i don't know about you but when i come off a binge i'm really sick shakes, sweats ,headaches ,vomiting ,just f_____ing, wring out , so maybe having this time to get your self well and a lot of time to spend on the MWO site mite be just what you have been praying for just don't give up i will keep you i my prayers


                      please god help!

                      i will try it only problem seems to be starting and staying off of it...i did talk to my aunt about it last night mind you, whci h helped a lot.
                      http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/addicted to living again


                        please god help!

                        Well sounds like you feel a bit better already, see this place does help, take bits and pieces you like of everyones suggestions, whatever works for you. Tell yourself you are worth it and life can be grand, seems like alot to swallow now but it does get easier. I am on day 6 AF and seem to be doing ok...finger crossed...we are gonna get stressed, that is part of life, we are gonna think about hitting the bottle - but then take a step back and think "is that gonna really help"
                        You can do it and we are here!!! BIG HUGS!!!
                        We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


                          please god help!

                          Well what more can I add??? Other than a huge :welcome: ....

                          You really have found the right place, I too drank for anxiety, panic attacks etc, but eventually realised that it actually fuels those problems.

                          My heart really goes out to you love, the first few days are the hardest, but take the advice on offer, keep busy, plan things to do, I sometimes do silly things just like dancing around to my favourite song, at least it kills 3 minutes of time when things are really rough.....

                          My story is listed on the 'tell us your story thread', along with many others, read them and see what this place can do for you,

                          You are amongst new friends who will be there for you 24 hours a day.

                          Love & Hugs :h :l :h


                            please god help!

                            Hello Ex:

                            Not much more to add that hasn't already been said here. Just wanted to add another Welcome!
                            Glad you found us!
                            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                              please god help!

                              Existence, Welcome!

                              One way to look at this is that when you are at the bottom, it's all up from here!:huggy Things will only get better. If you drink less or stay away from alochol completely, your physical and mental health will improve and so will all of the rest of you your life. We are all here for that same reason. And we will give you support whenever you come here for it.

                              Keep posting and reading. :flower:

                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

