I made the decision I had to quit over a very unhappy and scary Sunday early last December. I'd had a major row with my partner who had reached the end of his patience with my drinking and all the crap it brought with it. Not only were my mood swings intolerable but bills weren't paid, the home wasn't being cared for, money was haemhorraging out of our joint account. I was awkward, forgetful and frankly a mess. But I didn't have a problem, oh no not me. It was somebody else's fault I 'forgot' to pay the council tax, or maybe 'accidentally' missed the date the gas bill was due.
So now I can say it feels absolutely amazing to be free of it all for so long. In a relatively short time my life is on track; my finances are on the mend and so is my relationship. I've gained a promotion at work and a substantial pay rise. My blood pressure is normal, still working on the weight!
Social situations? I was always known as Sylv who loved a drink, well I still do, but not an alcoholic one thank you. If I'm asked if I'd like one I reply honestly that I would absolutely love a glass of wine but sadly it no longer likes me, so thanks but no thanks. This position is non-negotiable and will always be.
As well as amazing I feel free, free of booze induced debt, free of the fear I will be pulled by the police the morning after, free of fear I'd do something I'd really regret. God knows I've done loads I'm ashamed of, things I prefer not to think or talk about but something serious such as injuring somebody with the hateful temper I have in drink.
Places like Weight Watchers say nothing tastes as good as slim, well for those of us who've lost (or maybe never had) the off switch, nothing feels as good as waking up in a morning without a hangover and with a memory.
For those of you starting this battle, stick with it. Many people on here are far wiser and more experienced than me but it is the second most worthwhile thing I've done in my life, the first was adopting my two (now adult) children.
