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Starting AB today
Starting AB today
Hello Everyone,I have just started AB today for the second time. Tried it a year ago and thought I could Moderate, so stopped and are now back up to my old habits of a bottle of wine or two a day. ME MODERATE. What was I thinking? I have never been able to control my drinking. I AM AN ALCOHOLIC!! Will I ever learn?? Anyone that can offer advice whilst on AB would be very much appreciated. thanksTags: None
Starting AB today
Thanks Phin, Yeah its Antabuse. I had to stop drinking for a few weeks then tried to Mod. IF you drink on AB it makes you violently sick!! Did it once;like all my hangovers at once,just terrible. Me Mod? How stupid of me. I am an alcoholic. I just can,t drink. If we could Mod we would be NORMAL and would,t need MWO. How are you doing anyway? Whats the plan for the weekend? Those social events are murder arn,t they?
Starting AB today
I, too, tried it years ago and started playing the "I won't take it for a while so I can drink a bit," game and ended up sick as a dog. Even though I waited two weeks before trying a drink.
That said, I am on it again armed with the knowledge of the past.
As you know, for AB to "work," it requires you are totally committed to being AF.
I chose to go back to using AB when I decided I was going to quit, period. Cruelly, AB does nothing for cravings or desires, it is purely a negative reinforcement.
This time, though, my plan is to stay on it as long as my doctors will allow. I am hoping for a minimum of a year. Liver tests will determine that.
AB is rough on the liver and my doctor requires I come in for liver panels on a regular basis.
I am lucky in that I do not suffer issues from hair spray, hand sanitizers, etc. Too much vinegar may cause an issue but not sure as I have headaches this time of year anyway.
Meanwhile, I am going to AA meetings, seeing a counselor every other week and working on making permanent changes to my lifestyle so that when I have to quit taking AB, I am prepared in the important ways.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Starting AB today
Hello Hadit and Cinders
I've been taking AB and Campral together (prescribed by my DR) for over a month now and the combination is working for me (Campral helps reduce cravings).
The plan is to reduce the AB over six months - by which time I hope to have control of the situation and be totally committed to an AF life. I still have up and down days and times of real craving - but nowhere near as bad as before I was taking these.
Good luck and keep posting and sharing your journey.Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!
Starting AB today
Ann Carolina;1503441 wrote: Antabuse (disulfiram) BY ITSELF is NOT harmful to the liver
I have been told that Antabuse changes the metabolism of the liver which can affect liver function (without any alcohol) usually side affects are minimal but in extreme cases it can cause liver failure. Because of this, I have to have blood tests every six weeks whilst taking it.
HOWEVER - my doctor has told me that if taken properly (ie no alcohol) risks are very low and the benefits of not drinking will by far outweigh these and based on this information, I decided I would take it.Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!
Starting AB today
Hi i'm making anappointment with my gp tommorrow to see if she will prescribe antbuse or campral as i'm sick of slips and feeling ill with hangovers. I have heard that it doesn't agree some people and it can have have side effects or reactions to perfumes some cosmetics deodrant etc and also that is hard on the liver but if i don't take action now my live is in trouble anyway. I'm willing to give it a try. Don't know much about campral only that it helps with cravings but not sure if its available in Ireland. Hoping to get an apointment for early next week. Give luck to you all on your af journey i'll kep you updated to how i get on.
Starting AB today
Hi all,
I am typically very sensitive to medicines and I break out in hives at the drop of a hat. I have not had any reaction to any creams, perfumes, lotions, or foods. The only side effect I have is extreme fatigue at higher doses. So I'm going to drop down to 125 mg per night and see if that helps. I've not had any major cravings and AL is mostly not even on my mind most of the time.Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.
Starting AB today
Hey Siren
I have found that 125 mg every 4 or 5 days is more than enough for me. At this dosage and frequence if I even try to drink a beer (It's been quite a while) the effects are noticeable and scary. Rapid heart rate and flushing of face and neck. That's enough for me.
I get mine from Canada, kind of expensive but at that dose it's not bad at all. And I'm not sure what I would consider too expensive-nothing is worth the hell of drinking.
Starting AB today
Ann Carolina;1503532 wrote: I get mine from Canada, kind of expensive but at that dose it's not bad at all. And I'm not sure what I would consider too expensive-nothing is worth the hell of drinking.In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased