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Binge drinker needs help

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    Binge drinker needs help

    Hey guys,
    I am a newbie and wanted to share my story.

    My problem is week-end binge drinking. I have no problem saying no to the wine on school nights/work nights. I blow it at week-end parties, re-unions, weddings, etc. It’s like being a vampire. I have a glass and then I want another and another and another.

    Where I run into problems is the fact that there are times when I can totally control my
    drinking but as I look back at the times when I’ve controlled it it’s because I’m with people who don’t have drinking problems. With them I’m aware that my desire to go to the 3rd drink would be too much and they’d notice because they stop at one or two.

    But put me with people who also have a problem or situations with lots of drinkers like re-unions or weddings – then it’s real easy for me to get way out of control and end up slurring words, having black-outs, stumbling, etc.

    I used to sneak drinks behind hubby’s back too. Example: we’d go to dinner and share a bottle of wine and then when we got home I’d have another glass or 2. I’d buy the little mini wines so I could do that without him knowing and then I’d stash it in the laundry, cupboard etc. until I could safely discard in the trash. Pathetic!

    I recently got too drunk at a work related dinner and my professional peers noticed. Then my older son recently commented to my husband that I was “drunk” during our last vacation. I had snuck two drinks while hubby was napping (after we had had 2 drinks while on port) during a cruise!

    That’s when I decided to make a change. I am going to try moderation and will be tracking here at MWO. My goal is only 1 glass of RED wine (prefer white) with dinner or special occasions so I don’t feel left out of the crowd. We’ll see. Am hoping I don’t have to totally abstain but I know that some people have to: – even the 1 glass doesn’t work. So, we’ll see. Thanks for the ear and look forward to the support.
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    Binge drinker needs help

    Hi Eve, welcome, you really have found the best place in the world to be. I relate to your post totally as will others who come with responses to you. AWO'rs are an incredible crowd as you will get to know the more you look in. Read as many posts as you can from the more experienced here, this site has saved and changed my life. Look forward to getting to know you better.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Binge drinker needs help

      Welcome Eve! keep us up to speed on how the occasional moderating goes. be sure to download and read the MWO book when you can.
      take care
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Binge drinker needs help

        Hi Eve! And Welcome!

        Definitely download the book & read it. I can relate to your sneaking and eventually the sneaking of those "minis" turns to sneaking of bottles! It's a progressive thing.

        Glad you found us & keep posting.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Binge drinker needs help

          Hi Eve,

          I also relate to your storey and share your goals.

          Speak soon

          Take care



            Binge drinker needs help


            Thanks to all who replied and to those that read the post and sent good vibes because they understood where we're all at.

            Looking forward to getting to know others and looking forward to the support - it does help to know that we're not alone!
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              Binge drinker needs help

              Hello Eve.
              Sorry I'm late.
              You'll never be alone here.


                Binge drinker needs help


                You are in a wonderfully supportive place with great people who totally understand and will never judge you.



                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Binge drinker needs help

                  I am glad you found your way here, it is truly amazing, keep sharing and we will keep supporting you!
                  We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


                    Binge drinker needs help

                    Hello Eve:
                    Trying to Moderate is where I am at too. I am not trying to be Alcohol free, but my goal is to be "drunk free". That is a term someone else used in a thread here and I liked it. Learning when to stop can be tricky though. Alcohol is a bitch and it wants you to drink more so you need to be extra strong right when it is making you weak. I wish you all the best and more. read everything you can and post often.
                    welcome to MWO!!!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      Binge drinker needs help

                      Welcome! Check your private messages..


                        Binge drinker needs help

                        First time here, too

                        Hello to all. Mother of 2 beautiful boys, in my thirties and have always loved to party. To me, it's my "adult time". So foolish, since the lack of sleep caused by nightly wine only made having little kids tougher (one or the other is ALWAYS awake by 6am!)-

                        I was controlling well, only having too much on the weekends, and then in the last year or two began drinking each day, sometimes even mid-day, couldn't see life without. I did stop totally for about 20 days recently, but as soon as I started again, it was worse! Tolerance was down, I was out of it much quicker and on much less. I feel that I am okay with nothing, but one or two drinks (especially on an empty stomach) and I binge for the whole bottle. I have seen days where I was sneaking drinks, lying about drinks, and drinking alone. I am grateful my kids are too young to remember any of this and need to stop now and get a handle on this.

                        I have started Bikram Yoga, which has helped lots in gaining focus and helping me make healthy choices. I just ordered Topo online and will try it, as I know that I tend to get the cravings and anxiety after a couple of "good" weeks.

                        My goal is to gain control, where I can have a glass or two of wine max and stop. Very tired of the brilliant acting job I've been doing!

                        Take care all, wish me luck!:new:



                          Binge drinker needs help

                          Welcome to MWO Phelen:

                          You have certainly come to the right place. I can really relate to the "acting" job as I should have been living in Hollywood myself for the last 20 years! (Just to let you know, I really am not as good of an actress as I thought I was, everyone knew I was a drunk!!!!) Topa helped me too. Good luck and keep us posted!
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            Binge drinker needs help

                            Hello Eve
                            I understand you so well. I have tried everything and I see that is the only solution is just to stop to drink totally. But it always takes my a long time to get over scandals and blackouts that I have done so many times. I am still in such a shame but I will get over it hopefully one day. Go on Eve and we are here for you.


                              Binge drinker needs help

                              Welcome aboard!

                              hi Eve and Phelen

                              It's taken me a while to get here but would like to add my :welcome: aswell! It's a fabulous place to be so keep posting, keep reading, reading, reading - and don't worry about making a decision yet about mods or abs - once you get into a new way of life you'll find it will more easily fall in to place. I'm loving being AF but to say catagorically no more alcohol ever again is just too big an issue, so I just keep focused on the fact that life is great without booze!

                              Good luck with the first steps - someone's here 24/7 so stick around - Looking forward to getting to know you both better!
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

