I am a newbie and wanted to share my story.
My problem is week-end binge drinking. I have no problem saying no to the wine on school nights/work nights. I blow it at week-end parties, re-unions, weddings, etc. It’s like being a vampire. I have a glass and then I want another and another and another.
Where I run into problems is the fact that there are times when I can totally control my
drinking but as I look back at the times when I’ve controlled it it’s because I’m with people who don’t have drinking problems. With them I’m aware that my desire to go to the 3rd drink would be too much and they’d notice because they stop at one or two.
But put me with people who also have a problem or situations with lots of drinkers like re-unions or weddings – then it’s real easy for me to get way out of control and end up slurring words, having black-outs, stumbling, etc.
I used to sneak drinks behind hubby’s back too. Example: we’d go to dinner and share a bottle of wine and then when we got home I’d have another glass or 2. I’d buy the little mini wines so I could do that without him knowing and then I’d stash it in the laundry, cupboard etc. until I could safely discard in the trash. Pathetic!
I recently got too drunk at a work related dinner and my professional peers noticed. Then my older son recently commented to my husband that I was “drunk” during our last vacation. I had snuck two drinks while hubby was napping (after we had had 2 drinks while on port) during a cruise!
That’s when I decided to make a change. I am going to try moderation and will be tracking here at MWO. My goal is only 1 glass of RED wine (prefer white) with dinner or special occasions so I don’t feel left out of the crowd. We’ll see. Am hoping I don’t have to totally abstain but I know that some people have to: – even the 1 glass doesn’t work. So, we’ll see. Thanks for the ear and look forward to the support.