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My journey with AB
My journey with AB
I need to be accountable and stay focused. I started AB yesterday and plan to post here everyday to record my progress and get the inspiration I need to become sober and stay Sober. I tried AB last year and when I had been sober for 6 weeks, decided that I could Mod. Me, an Alcoholic, thinking I could mod !!! I now know that this is not an option and never was! Thanks Guys for listening:thanks:Tags: None
My journey with AB
hi hadit,im glad youre using antabuse tskes the chance youll drink away,good for you! i think im gonna get some tooI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
My journey with AB
Pauly. It takes the decision to drink OR not to drink off the table. You just can''t drink so the mind games, will I or won't I drink,cease to a degree. My Dr claims its the oldest drug and the most effective one available.Just his opinion though.Lots of people have used other drugs with success. Good Luck!
My journey with AB
Had it, I think that many of us wish, pray, believe that at some point in life we can finallymod, but in reality we most definitely can not, I have stopped/started drinking sooooooooooooo many times, each time I tried to mod, I never, ever could. I finally decided to embrace and live in Reality not in Fantasy Land..I can never drink moderately because I always want more, so I finally embraced the fact that I should never even start with one, I beleive that's the case for the majority of people on the MWO.We all just have different ways to ensure we never ever go back to that initial drink. I really hope the Ab is your ticket! Wishing you well.On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h
My journey with AB
Thanks halo,Yeah,its taken me a very long time to realise I cannot moderate.When you think about it if you could,you wouldn't be a mwo member,you would be a normal drinker. Don't normal drinkers moderate their drinking? thanks for your advice.will check out the meds thread
My journey with AB
hadit;1504123 wrote: Thanks halo,Yeah,its taken me a very long time to realise I cannot moderate.When you think about it if you could,you wouldn't be a mwo member,you would be a normal drinker. Don't normal drinkers moderate their drinking? thanks for your advice.will check out the meds thread
I believe that normal drinkers don't have to moderate their drinking. I note this because I am married to a normie. Talk about indifference to alcohol!!
Have you started AB yet? I swallow that pill every morning, come rain or shine, and know I simply cannot drink.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
My journey with AB
Yeah Cindy, My wife is a normal drinker and she doesn't have to moderate. Wish I could be like that, take it or leave it! Started AB 3 days ago. Around wine tonight,but are having coke without any cravings.AB takes the question of whether to drink or not out of the equation. There is no option Thanks and good luck.
My journey with AB
I'm on AB too.
Does nothing for cravings but prevents you from drinking. It is extremely dangerous to drink if you have taken antabuse and could even be deadly. So even though I still get cravi gs, they do pass and knowing that I am on AB keeps me safe.Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
My journey with AB
Bacon, Hello and welcome. AB is Anabuse used to deter alkies from drinking.If you drink with it,and I did once, it makes you very sick. So it is a drug not to be messed with. It has been around in Australia a long time.Good Luck!
My journey with AB
Nursie, I think it is a drug that offers real hope for us alkies.I find that it definately helps with the intensity and the time that cravings last even though it is not designed for that purpose. Its just that knowing you cant drink the cravings seemed to be less intense. How long have u been taking AB? Day 4 here and a weekend af !! Tried it last year and have learnt not to stop taking that pill.
My journey with AB
I started AB tonight, and I feel incredibly free. I can't drink! I feel like a burden has been lifted. I hope this feeling continues.
Good luck to all on this journey."Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey