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So ashamed :(

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    So ashamed

    excellent news Pearl!!!
    love your avatar, btw. Is that your doggie?
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      So ashamed

      Congrats on your whopping eight days.....these are the hardest and are now behind you.

      From here it is simply a mind game. Use the L glutamine if you feel yourself getting shaky, irritable or low and craving, lay down or distract yourself for ten minutes and you will feel better.

      Are you taking vitamin B supplements.... Very important for your liver AND brain.

      Be sure to get plenty of will feel tired earlier in the day than usual and keep drinking plenty of fluids.

      You are doing so well.....keep on trucking


        So ashamed

        Total turnaround in ONE WEEK!

        PearlButterfly;1506293 wrote: Day 7 today!! I woke up this morning with a feeling like nothing can stop me!! I am feeling fantastic - like a have a new lease on life I'm appreciating everything and loving my sober and hangover free time with my beautiful family.
        I'm thinking today I might start reducing the sugar as I think it's giving me headaches in the morning and my husband says I'm snoring, which I'm putting down to sugar. So I've packed healthier alternatives in my lunch bag today but I won't deny myself a tasty treat if I feel that way inclined!
        I've taken 3 800mg doses of the L-glut amine so far - I'll check in later and report on any cravings for AL or sugar lol!
        Have a great AF day everyone! I know I will! *hugs*

        Hi, Pearl

        To see how far you have come in just ONE SHORT WEEK, compare the above to your first post in this thread:

        PearlButterfly;1504465 wrote: I'm so ashamed of what my life has become in the last two years. Avoiding everything I can with AL.
        I've neglected my beautiful children, driven drunk with them in the car. Neglected my husband to the point that he's not even talking to me or staying in any room I am in. I have broken so many promises to him and myself about stopping. I don't blame him for not talking to me - I've turned into something unrecognisable.
        AL has taken so much. Precious time with my family, their trust, money, health, my sanity!!
        I can't control it anymore. It started 2 years ago having a couple of beers to relax then it turned into four then I was starting in the middle of the day having countless drinks. Ending up sick and passing out. One night i vomited in the sink and didn't even remember. I was so ashamed when my husband asked me to clean it up the next morning!!
        I would sneak off to buy more alcohol because after I have a few I want more, more, more!! But I wasn't fooling anyone except myself.
        Now I realise that I need to totally abstain or I'll lose everything. I can't have one or two because AL takes over and doesn't let me stop.
        I hope I have the strength to fight the urges and stay sober. Day three so far, some cravings today but nothing a bit of chocolate didn't fix
        That is a testament of what we can do when we get AL all the way OUT of our lives.


        :h NS


          So ashamed

 have conquered AL each day of the week!! That is HUGE!!
          I gave you your prize in roll call, but what the it is again
          I just won't anymore


            So ashamed

            Thanks everyone! Still feeling great on to day 8.

            Still waking up with headaches even though I've cut out sugar now as well, hopefully they will diminish soon.

            My long term plan is abstinence but I am taking it one day at a time so every day I'm AF I wake up and I'm like - I've done x many days yay! Then do the same thing the next day. I don't really have a number goal, I'm just done with it.

            No MB that's not my doggie but its so cute. I thought it was a funny pic

            Thanks for that post NS - it brought tears to my eyes to see how far I've come it just a few days. I feel like a totally different person and I never want to go back to that ashamed place again! I'm so lucky I was only in AL horrible grip for a relatively short time. It has taught me to appreciate the little things being sober again. I am so lucky to be AF and still have this wonderful life with the way I was behaving.

            I think the L-glut amine has really helped with the AL and sugar cravings. The only AL cravings are brief habitual ones after I finish a long day at work.

            I am taking a good b vitamin. My doctor advised me of a high potency one before I had even quit. I've been having lots of rest as well- going to bed early. As you guys said I would get tired earlier and it's true.

            Thank you all so much for your support it is so helpful in my recovery xx

            Hope you are all well *hugs*


              So ashamed

              Hi Pearl - and fantastic on Day 8 - you're doing great!

              I wouldn't worry too much about the headaches. I've never been one to suffer from headaches much in the past (not even much with hangovers!) but since going AF I have been getting them quite a lot too. It's like a tight gripping feeling over the top of my head rather than a sharp pain. Spoke to my doc and he thinks its probably just my body getting used not having al after drowning in it for so long! :H Drinking lots of water helps.
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                So ashamed

                Day 8! That's wonderful! I am so happy to read you're feeling so much better. X
                AF since Halloween 2016

                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                  So ashamed

                  Day 8 ! Congratulations, I've gone 2 days AF today will be day 3, i know the weekend might be tricky, the brain has a way of saying, " have a drink and stop on Monday" I've been there too many times. See you in the Newbies Nest!


                    So ashamed

                    That's exactly what my headaches are like snapdragon! They are getting less powerful every day. Do you still get them regularly?

                    Thanks Wine-no, congrats on your success too

                    Good luck whitemarshmom - we can make it through the weekend together!!

                    Stay strong everyone *hugs*


                      So ashamed

                      Great stuff Pearl!

                      You are a bloody STAR.

                      Bravo and keep it going. You are taking your precious life back.

                      G bloke.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        So ashamed

                        Thanks G Bloke

                        I'm struggling today really tempted.

                        I'm reading my original post and reading through a few threads on here which is really helping.

                        I think I'll head over to the toolbox.

                        I know stuffing myself with food works but I'm gaining weight so I want to find a healthier alternative when craving arise. :upset:

                        Hope you are all well *hugs*


                          So ashamed

                          Hello Pearl, How are you now ? I am on the East Coast of oz. Don't give in to the beast. Look how far you have come !They say it gets easier and I think it does. Day 12 here and travelling OK, had some trying times a the weekend but somehow came through. Let us know if we can help. Just think of those wonderful mornings af!!! You can DO THIS Pearl.:l:l


                            So ashamed

                            Hi Pearl!

                            I've lurked your updates for the past week or so, you are doing great! Hang in there! Today makes 69 days AF for me.

                            I can relate so much to your initial post. I am a mom and a wife as well. My "bottom" so to speak was picking my daughter up from preschool buzzed/borderline drunk....boy that is hard to type. My full story is in my initial post in late March of this year, I think I also have something about being "so ashamed" in my thread title (smile). That shame has been replaced with being proud of myself for being able to say with honesty that *now*, I feel that I am the best mom that I can be for my daughter.

                            When I get tempted to take "just a sip", I think of my child. I think of how the day I picked my daughter up from school, as well as countless other days that I had been drinking and still drove with her in the car, I could have hurt her, as well as any other innocent person in my path on the road. Or had I been pulled over, that a DUI would have been the least of my daughter could have been taken away from me.

                            I type all of this not to be a downer, but to put the craving for AL in perspective, as a mom.

                            Stay strong, and looking forward to celebrating your 30 days AF (and beyond)
                            AF since 3/12/13.

                            Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
                            Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

                            I'm on my way.


                              So ashamed

                              I too am so ashamed Pearl. I have never felt so alone. I will watch to see how you are doing and hope that I will gain the strength to change my life. Take care. Hope
                              Hope :h

