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Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

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    Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

    Hi everyone, I wanted to say hello and introduce myself with a tid bit about my drinking.

    I began an alcohol taper on April 26th and ended up in Urgent Care on April 28th with withdrawls.
    I am in my mid/late 40's and was always a moderate drinker (two 12oz beers, 3 days a week) until I had my 'mid-life crisis' 3 years ago. For a year I drank 1/2 bottle of red wine a night, then the following year I progressed to bottle of red a night. I drank to numb out my deep pain from up and leaving my husband during my mlc. Anyway, I held steady at a bottle a night (with an occasional night or two off and a few 'cut backs' to two glasses per night for a week or so) until January '13. At that point I decided to drink vodka and water with lemon instead of wine b/c I thought that it was a healthier choice (LOL) due to the water/lemon. WELL, that was not a good idea b/c I began experimenting with daytime shots to calm my nerves (lot's of emotionally painful stuff going on in my private life.) By Februrary I was drinking 11 shots on work days (8 shots from 3 pm to 9 pm bedtime, then 2-3 at 4 in the morning to get back to sleep after waking) and 14 shots on my days off (11 shots from noon-9pm, 3 at 4 am.) In those 8 weeks I became alcohol dependant. I had no idea that it could happen so fast. btw, I was not out driving around- I was holed up in my house.
    I was AF for 9 days, though 5 of those were on the Lorazapam taper so those were easy. Days 7 & 8 I cried nonstop (felt chemically off) and on day 10 I was annoyed that alcohol could have power over me so I drank one 24oz can of Budweiser that night. Day 13 I drank two 24 oz beers and day 14 I drank four 16 ouncers. Because I live alone, I was terrified that I would have withdrawl early the next morning but I was fine. The last 3 days (today will be 4) have been AF.
    I hope that I can be a moderate drinker again. I never felt that alcohol ruled my life until this latest vodka episode. I am totally shocked that I made that decision to do all of those vodka shots- it was very conscious.
    Thanks for listening.

    Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

    Hey Daisey! Welcome to MWO! This place is full of information and support! First off, I can identify with your drinking just progressed into a nightmare. There at the end I was starting my drinking at 10:30a.m. on weekends (sometimes sooner) and had worked up from starting at 4 on workdays to about 2:30. What a mess. If I can get myself AF, I know there's hope for you! 2 things, why don't you join us over in the Newbie's Nest (link in my signature line below). There are folks there in their first days of quitting on up to 4 years (Lav, our nest Mom). You will find warmth and understanding and it is very active so you won't have to wait an eternity for a reply. Also in my signature line is the Tool Box. There are tons of tips and coping skills to help you thru these first challenging days. What most folks decide to do here is take the 30 day challenge...30 Days AF and reevaluate from there. It is an eye opening experience, and NOT as hard as I imagined...all I had to do was take a leap of faith! We are so glad you're here and I look forward to getting to know you better!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

      Hi Daisey and :welcome:

      It is always suggested that a period of 30 days will help get your head clear.

      I wish I had quit at forty and saved myself a decade of pain.


        Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

        Thank you, Byrdie, for the warm welcome. I'll check out the Nest & Toolbox.
        So glad I found this site.
        I think the 30 day challenge is a good idea. I had intended on going a month AF but I obviously checged my mind on day 10, lol. I am just taking in a day at the time for now as I don't want the pressure of the challenge right now- I do know for sure that I will never abuse alcohol like that again. It was a scarey experience all the way around.


          Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

          You got that right, Kuya....I don't even remember those last 10 years!! The whole first decade of 2000 spent in a drunken stupor! What a waste! B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

            Thank you, Kuya! I will do my best to make it to 30 days, I agree on the 30 day/head clearing thing. Just won't put a bix 'x' marking the 30day finish line on the calendar b/c it will stress me out, lol.


              Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

              Daisey;1504768 wrote: Thank you, Kuya! I will do my best to make it to 30 days, I agree on the 30 day/head clearing thing. Just won't put a bix 'x' marking the 30day finish line on the calendar b/c it will stress me out, lol.
              You are right. First a day, then a week, then two. Baby steps


                Hi Everybody~ Newbie here...

                Daisey...I couldn't agree more, also see the rest of my signature line!!! So glad you're here. B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest

