The silent auction and live auction are always a big hit once everyone has a few drinks I guess.
So then it was time to sit, and all of the wine glasses were full before we even sat down. This was annoying, (K9, it was even worse than Olive Garden!)
I moved my glass to the center of the table and kept my water. I was propositioned by waitstaff who clearly must have been programmed to keep glasses full?
I stared at the glass in front if me and thought how sad it was that I could not drink.
Then, as I looked around, very few people were drinking at all! They felt the same as I did and they didn't have alcoholism. I pondered the glass half full theory, and at the end of the night I felt triumphant to leave behind my full glass.
I kicked major alcohol ass tonight, because that glass sure looked lonely!
As we left, I saw many many full glasses that no one touched. What used to be normal for me, is not normal for everyone else, I just thought it was because I was drunk.
I also got an award and was in a video that I was proud to be sober for. My life is getting better and better, and alcohol is just sulking in the corner.
So yes, my glass is full. Because I did not take one sip!