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Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

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    Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

    There I said it.
    Yesterday May 14 was my first AF day in probably 30 years. I'm 47. The last few years
    I was drinking all day. Sneaking. Rationalizing, Justifying. Entiteling. I finally hit bottom last week the morning of the day I had my first full physical in several years in a new town with all new Drs. I hate going to the Dr.
    Woke up with he worst withdrawls and shame.
    Drank a bottle of wine before I went to the appt to calm my nerves. BP was perfect.
    So stupid. Results of appt show liver problems. Go figure. I knew it. More tests.
    I weaned/tapered since the Dr. which I think might have helped the withdrawls.
    Removed all AL from the house and even replaced my mouthwash with non-AL.

    I went to a beginners meeting yesterday. I made it thorugh the day.
    Return to Lab for more blood tests. Results pending.
    I've started my new regiman of eating (instead of drinking) double muti, milk thistle.
    I go through a gallon of detox (iced) tea with fruit infusions.
    I am grateful for this place. I've learned so much already.
    I assume its going to get worse before it gets better.
    Glad I have someplace to
    I surrender.

    Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

    Welcome, eyesbleu. Best of luck to you on your AF journey. It is not easy, but you can do it! I quit on March 11 and I feel so much better. It is still a struggle and I still daydream about drinking but then I remember what I want to forget- being drunk day after day. No, never again.

    Make it through this day, then the next and so on.


      Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

      Hi, Eyesbleu

      It sounds like you are ready to DO THIS! You are in a great place to get it done .

      If you haven't found the Newbies Nest and Toolbox already, the links are given below. The Nest is one of the more active threads and there are people at all stages, helping and encouraging one another. The Toolbox has a variety of tips for dealing with all of the things that seem to come up as we try to become our best possible selves, free of AL.

      Hope to see you over in the Nest!


      :h NS


        Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

        Welcome Eyesblue:welcome:

        You are in the right place May 3 was my first AF day, and as each moment passes it just keeps getting better.

        Don't worry about the liver tests mine were abnormal last year; however, after a few weeks of cutting back they returned to normal. I have been a heavy, heavy drinker for 3 years, like 2 pints to a 5th of hard liquor every day all day, and all night to keep WD at bay.

        You wil find great support and encouragement here, I could not have done my 12 days without this place cheering me on. So hang in there it is doable.

        Hope to see you around (like in the newbies nest, hint,hint)

        Cyber Hugs:l
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

          Welcome eyesblue! I bet you woke up today feeling proud! Great Job!

          an idea is to make a list how you are improving everyday, like how your body feels, how you are sleeping, how your skin looks different, mood changes (good and bad). It's a nice tool to refer to in those intense moments!

          Glad you are here! Welcome!!!
          Honeysoup :heart:


            Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

            :welcome: eyesbleu

            Congrats on day 2. You have come to the right place. This place is amazing.

            Did you confess to the doc about the drinking? (Something I have never done by the way). You are doing the right thing and hopefully, the liver function will normalise soon now you've stopped drinking.

            AF since Halloween 2016

            Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


              Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

                Thank you all. @ Wine-O, yes I did tell my Dr. EVERYTHING. I hit bottom when I attempted to dry out for the physical. Withdrawls vere awful. Thats when I knew it was time to battle the beast. I'll be 48 hours AF for the first time since I can remember (some pun intended) by this afternoon.
                I feel pretty good so far.
                Let the count-up continue!
                Best, Bleu


                  Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

                  Welcome eyesbleu you sound like you are facing it head on, I have dried out after 6 months of continuous drinking, from morning got night and it is tough but if you've got to 48 hours physically things should be getting better. Well done for being honest with the dr. It's all up from here x
                  AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                  Day by day


                    Hi my name is Eyesbleu and I'm an alcoholic.

                    You know, admitting that we are ALK's is a huge step in winning this battle against AL. Accepting that simple fact gets you further down the road than those who just refuse to face it. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that under no circumstances should an ALK drink. When you don't accept that, it makes it impossible to stop and stay stopped, and why would you? You aren't an ALK! In my humble opinion, none of us would be here if we weren't ALK's.
                    I salute you for recognizing this and moving on with it! You are in the best spot possible if you are ready to get your life back! Welcome aboard! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest

