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i cant even go a day!!please help

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    i cant even go a day!!please help

    im on and off here,do read every day tho,it gives me gope that one day i go AL free ive read all the newbie stuff and the tools,i just always crumble at 3/4 oclock,im determined to do a month free! just cant get started,it seems the whole 3oclocktill bed time will be so long,i know drinking doesnt make the time go ne quicker!!!i wake up every morn with good intentions!! i suffer with anx and depression so i self medicate know thats daft as AL is a depressant,ive also got to loose my beer belly!! im a cider drinker and can easily down 8/12 tins a night!! and its 250 cals a tin!! got to be in a bikini in 8 weeks!! sorry for rambling im just so fed up of this

    i cant even go a day!!please help


    Yes, you can go all day without a drink. I know the crumble well, so I am not pointing fingers.

    In actuality, three until bedtime can seem like a very long, long time when all you are doing is white knuckling it the whole time.

    May I suggest a big change up? Perhaps find something to do during those times where alcohol is simply not an option? A movie, a club of some kind, anything that comes to mind where there is no alcohol and you will be very busy. Make a date for the next few nights with a friend who doesn't drink to do some things that keep mind and body busy.

    Just a thought.

    I assume you do not suffer withdrawals when you don't drink? Shakes, tremors, etc?

    AF April 9, 2016


      i cant even go a day!!please help

      Hi Bimble,
      Try to take it an hour at a time. You need to plan something for 3 o'clock. A movie, a hike, a book. You want to lose your beer belly so maybe hit the gym. Come on here and talk. Do anything but pick up a drink. You can do this. Get through the first hour and then the second. The momemtum will start to build, I promise.


        i cant even go a day!!please help

        Welcome Bimble01,

        you have found the right place to get started. First you have to make up your mind that this is what you want to do. Check out the newbies nest and toolbox there is lots of great advise, support and encouragement.

        When the witching hour is approaching get with friends that don't drink, clean house, just get busy and before you know it the hours have passed and you did'nt drink. It is hard i tried for 3 years to just stop and couldn't even with 6 months in rehab i drank the day after graduation.

        Make a plan, write it down and stick to it. Stay close here and read through your urges that helped me earlier this week. Today is day 12 and on Monday I even went so far as to have a plan to get AL, but I got on this website read and posted and before I knew it the urge was gone and I didn't drink.

        Hope this is helpful. Stay strong, and true to yourself AL is nothing more than poision to our body, mind and soul. I also struggle with anxiety and depression and self medicated but since becoming AF not one panic attack and after the first few days no depression.

        You can do this and everyone here will help any way we can just let us know.
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          i cant even go a day!!please help

          Aww Bimble :l I feel your pain and despair, I really do. I thought I would NEVER be able to get through evenings without my "beloved" Bud Light. If you can get through 3-4 nights (which you CAN, I promise), then it does start to get easier.

          I know I sound like a broken record but here's what I did: Evenings 1-3 I stayed away from home. I went shopping, I went to the dog park, the library, the movies, out to dinner...anywhere but home. I found that if I stayed out until 8pm or so, I was fine.

          Days 4 and onward: I rearranged my living room furniture. I had to make my drinking "spot" look different. ( I ONLY drank at home). I moved lamps, chairs and rugs. I sat on the other side of the couch. ANYTHING to tell my brain "We don't drink here anymore!!!"

          Before you know it, you'll be comfortable enough to actually look forward to sober evenings. Read books, rent lots of pizza. Just break the habit...and soon you'll find that you've developed a new habit....being sober!!!

          Please don't give up before the miracle happens, because it WILL!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            i cant even go a day!!please help

            thank you all,im going to start a diary,im not working at the mo for the first time in years so the days are soo long but iom going to try my best x


              i cant even go a day!!please help

              oh k9,my little girl even cried when she saw me getting cider,im not nasty or nething just want to sleep,so i know wot u mean,she has seen me bad and it breaks my heart x


                i cant even go a day!!please help

                Hello Bimble

                I think we all know where you're coming from - it is VERY hard - but not unachievable (I could have written your post a few months ago).

                K9's tips are all good - I would also recommend eating and drinking (non al of course) until you're fit for bursting! in the first two weeks from about 4pm til 6pm I treated myself to lots of things I don't normally eat - chocolate brownies and cookies as well as generous helpings of carbs (mashed potato and fries with dinner) and lots of low calorie ginger beer. This achived two things it made me feel like I was rewarding myself for not drinking alcohol and being full up really kills the cravings.

                Don't worry about your weight to much either - you are probably downing around 2,000 calories in cider each night, so you can afford to treat yourself to those other naughties.

                In the first two weeks of giving up alcohol I put on 6lbs in weight (and was despairing as I also hoped to lose some of it). However, staying on the wagon has reaped the benefits as I am now on Day 45 and have lost 11lbs overall (the 6lbs I put on plus an extra 5lbs) and apart from cutting out the extra cakes have made no effort.

                8 weeks is 56 days - so if you have a similar experience to me you could easily lose around 12 lbs and look fantastic in your bikini - and look and feel amazing too as giving up alcohol improves your skin and hair and you'll probably find you no longer have puffy eyes in the morning too!

                You can do it - join us all in the Newbies nest and use the Toolbox to help you. We're all here for you to help you along too. Best of luck. Snap xxx
                Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                  i cant even go a day!!please help

                  thank you,i dont really know how to post on the newbies nest,as theyres hundreds of posts xx


                    i cant even go a day!!please help

                    Same as here...go to the last page, and click "post reply"
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      i cant even go a day!!please help

                      bimble01;1506059 wrote: thank you,i dont really know how to post on the newbies nest,as theyres hundreds of posts xx
                      Hi, just go to the last page and at the bottom, select Post Reply. If you want to quote someone, chose Quote in that message's lower right corner. You can delete parts of the quote if you want to address something specifically but don't delete any of the coding - the stuff in [. ]. Your message will go to the end of the thread but because the quote is there, it will be clear what you are talking about .
                      Good luck and we are glad you are here!


                        i cant even go a day!!please help

                        thank you x


                          i cant even go a day!!please help

                          Hi Bimble, you can do it, I know how long the day can seem with kids at that time, dinner, bedtime etc but it's like any other habit it can be broken.
                          Try reading Jason Vales book Kick the Drink it's got some great tips on quitting the booze. Also the food o e snapdragon mentioned is great, eat sugary treats and drink gallons of water with lemon Juice.
                          You mentioned depression and anxiety, alcohol as you know will make this a hundred times worse, have you thought about seeing the doctor about those issues?
                          We've all got the same problem that's why we are here so keep close and keep posting xx
                          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                          Day by day


                            i cant even go a day!!please help

                            Bimble :l:l it is sooo hard getting that FIRST day.....I feel for you.

                            It is FEAR, that is what all addictions cause. I drank compulsively every night for twenty three years because of fear I couldn't stop......every morning I would promise myself that today was the day, and every day at six oclock I broke that promise...............but when I did it was actually quite easy, a few days feeling odd and then i was fine. I had spoiled all those years out of fear of those first few hours....what a waste ! :l

                            Have you got any supplements to help you?? They really do make a difference.


                              i cant even go a day!!please help

                              Just another thank you,to all those msgs,ive had 4 cans,and
                              two bottles of wine,and i feel ok,ill hate myself in the morn,
                              ive had a talk with my eldest daughter,and ive got to do something
                              in those few hrs!im dreading waking up already,iue done no
                              harm,just want to stop being me,or should i say,i want me back.x

