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todays the day!scared but hopeful,

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    todays the day!scared but hopeful,

    after all the lovely replies i had to my post yesterday
    im going for it today!i can and will do this,going to get a load
    of tomato and grapefruit juice and munchies,can i keep my
    progress on here,heres to day one.x

    todays the day!scared but hopeful,

    Hello Bimble and congratulations on making the decision to get al out of your life. There are lots of people here that can help and advise you. I am only 8 days into regaining control over al. It has not been easy,but I never expected it to be. Can I suggest you hop over to the Newbies Nest where there are lots of friendly people at various stages of their quit. Also, I have found that spending lots of time on MWO reading and posting as much as you can also helps. Good Luck. Just do one hour at at a time then a few hours until you can get a whole day under your belt,then try for a week. Let us know how you are going!:welcome::welcome:


      todays the day!scared but hopeful,

      Hi Bimble! No need to be scared. You can do this. Just take it one day at a time. This time next week you will have 7 AF days under your belt and the worst will be behind you.

      If you hit an uncomfortable patch, just remind yourself that it will not last forever. Do whatever you have to do to not drink. Stuff yourself full of food and water, sleep, or physically leave the house and go do something that does not involve alcohol - visit a friend, go to the gym, go to a movie, go to a museum, go shopping and just walk around the store - absolutely anything to get you to bedtime sober. Then go to bed and look forward to waking up with no hangover.
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


        todays the day!scared but hopeful,

        Good on you Bimble.....don't be scared, this is the best thing you ever did!


          todays the day!scared but hopeful,

          Way to go Bimble,

          Yes it is scary, but it does not have to be. There are lots of great people here that will be cheering you on and as each moment passes thats another sober minute.

          I agree with Siren, if you get uncomfortable get with someone who does not drink and chat, walk, or just ride around. I found in the first days not being alone was a tremendous help as I was scared to death. Walking also helped it releases natrual endorphins in the brain, and i did not notice the shakes as bad when I was walking.

          Remember this is only temporary, and it will pass. Stay hydrated, well fed, and rest when you can.

          Keep us posted.
          Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


            todays the day!scared but hopeful,

            Hi, Bimble

            It is so much easier than you think it will be. That is not to say it is a breeze - it's not! But with the help of people here, and your commitment to freeing yourself, it can be done fairly quickly and without unmanageable suffering.

            This can be your last day one!!!

            All the best to you, NS :h


              todays the day!scared but hopeful,

              You can do this Bimble!

              Don't worry about being uncomfortable...nobody ever died from discomfort OR cravings! They pass...and neither one will last as long as a hangover.

              Stick close and let us know how you're doing!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                todays the day!scared but hopeful,

                Bimble- you will be so proud of yourself when you wake up tomorrow! You may be groggy, but will not wake with guilt, panic, anxiety.... Believe me when I say it does get better!


                  todays the day!scared but hopeful,

                  Every one of us who've got a bit further down the path started where you are Bimble, this time tomorrow you'll have got the worst (first) day over, OK it may not feel like it but believe me if you can do one day, just keep on repeating.
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

