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The Folly of MS

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    The Folly of MS

    Hi, MS

    Last evening at a stress-management seminar, the speaker shared this poem about being grateful even for things that seem negative or hard at the time. To me, developing an "attitude of gratitude" has been a key element in getting free of alcohol. A book I've been reading talks about how joy and gratitude are inseparable -- the ability to feel real joy is what I've been missing. Anyway, here's the poem:

    Be thankful that you don?t already have everything you desire.
    If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
    Be thankful when you don?t know something,
    for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
    Be thankful for the difficult times.
    During those times you grow.
    Be thankful for your limitations,
    because they give you opportunities for improvement.
    Be thankful for each new challenge,
    because it will build your strength and character.
    Be thankful for your mistakes.
    They will teach you valuable lessons.
    Be thankful when you?re tired and weary,
    because it means you?ve made a difference.
    It?s easy to be thankful for the good things.
    A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
    are also thankful for the setbacks.
    Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
    Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
    and they can become your blessings.

    ~Author Unknown


      The Folly of MS

      Hi Mein,
      How was your day? Today's the weekend, are you playing golf or doing something to get some exercise? Stay strong.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        The Folly of MS

        Hi Mein Sonnenshein,
        I just started reading your thread and then skipped to the end to write a quick post-- I will finish reading and write more tomorrow-- I wanted to say hello to you and tell you that I understand very much what you are dealing with and how you are feeling. I hope you will continue writing in this journal and that you will be able to continue to share what you're going through--
        Let us know how you are--


          The Folly of MS

          Hi All. A bit of sad news from my end. On Friday evening, I received an email... yep, and email... that I am being laid off my job. Apparently the same thing happened to most of the employees in the USA branch of our company (only about 20 employees total). This came out of the blue, with no explanation... and through an email. I've never had to fire anybody before, but surely there must be a better way to let someone go rather than through an email. I did receive an offer to transfer to one of the Swiss branches of our company, however, this is not in my best interest. I had entertained that option a few years ago but ultimately decided that this is not a good option for me. So I guess my last link to "home", the USA, has been severed. I'm feeling ultimately lost and alone this weekend. The sun is shining and I know I should go outside but I just can't yet. I have to stay strong and not try to block out the emotions with AL. I WILL NOT block the emotions with AL. I will just allow myself today to feel sad and think about what the hell I'm going to do next.
          Would you like you, if you met you?


            The Folly of MS

            Monday morning and I'm in a really crap mood. I have to craft an email to my boss to turn down a position with the Swiss branch of our company and begin to move forward with my life without my career for a while. I've never been through this before so this is a new experience for sure. My self esteem is definitely not good right now. I know that my company was struggling and it's not me, but still... I think it must be natural to take some pity party time during an event like this. Or maybe that is just me... I seem to be pretty good at pity parties. I need a clear head to figure out the next steps in my life. Looking for strength this morning. :upset:
            Would you like you, if you met you?


              The Folly of MS


              I'm so sorry about this big change in your life. You must feel really sad and unsettled. Please know you still have your connections here. And please don't drink - any relief will be only temporary.

              The way they informed you was really cold and unprofessional in my opinion.

              Stay strong! Love, NS


                The Folly of MS

                Oh no, what a shock.. and via email too....

                So sorry to hear this xx
                AF since Halloween 2016

                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                  The Folly of MS

                  Thank you for the support NS. I'm still in a bit of shock. I still can't believe that my boss decided to email us with the news. And I've been with this company for over 5 years. Yet another test for me while I have been trying to hard to stay strong already. I appreciate having you all here, that really means a lot to me.
                  Would you like you, if you met you?


                    The Folly of MS

                    Thank you Wine-no. I know, right?! He did that to all of us who received the unfortunate news on Friday evening. Of course my colleagues and I leaned on each other for support. Just crappy!
                    Would you like you, if you met you?


                      The Folly of MS

                      Dear Mein,
                      I have never in my life heard of anyone doing something like this via email. What has become of our society that we think it's ok to lay someone off via email.? A sorry statement about your boss' interpersonal skills.

                      I know how the loss of work can wreck havoc on one's self-esteem, sense of identity, and relationships with others. When I was in my early 30s I accepted a job in another state, which involved a major move for my husband and me and for him to give up his job. When I arrived, I learned things were not as they had been presented to me and the situation was untenable. I resigned after five months, with nothing else lined up. As painful as it was, it forced me to look at other options and I launched my consulting business. Twenty years later (and four fulltime jobs later), I am back to consulting, still connected to people I worked with in the early years of my business. All of this to say, that as difficult as it may seem, please try to find something to focus on that will help you grow from this experience.

                      As K9 says, you are stronger than you think.

                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        The Folly of MS

                        How are you doing, MS? Please don't let AL make a tough situation worse. If you want to vent here about how unfair this feels, go ahead!

                        Take good care of yourself. :h NS


                          The Folly of MS

                          Thank you all for your continued support! This has definitely been a week of sadness and tears. And shopping... I definitely bought myself a pair of sympathy boots and a sympathy purse yesterday. LOL.

                          Now that I have that out of my system, I'm looking at what my options are to be happy. I seriously thought about turning to AL. I really did. But from everything I've learned from the wonderful people on MWO, I made myself think "do I really want to do this"??? The answer is NO. AL is not my friend, will offer no support and will only make me feel worse about my situation. So I instead just went through the emotions and feelings without covering them up. NOT EASY. But a good learning experience.

                          Free, I'm sorry to hear about your story as well. You just never know, right?! As much as we like to think that we are in control, we really are not. The key is knowing how to deal with these situations when they arise. I'm learning that lesson right now. Thank you for sharing.

                          So... I have decided to take the month of October "off"... meaning that I will prepare my resume but not actively look for a job. Instead I plan to work more on my German language skills and concentrate on ME. More exercise, more healthy food (NS, I will FINALLY finish that food plan!!!), more things that make me happy. Basically take a step back and really focus on what I need to do to move forward and be happy with my life. This may sound awesome to some people but it scares the crap out of me. Spending time with "me" is a scary thought. LOL

                          I will be offline this weekend but I want to wish you all much love and strength! I really care about you all. Thank you again for your support! :l
                          Would you like you, if you met you?


                            The Folly of MS

                            A month to focus on yourself in positive ways sounds wonderful! Yeah for hedonism! Let us know what you do so we can live vicariously .

                            I hope you will be in a sunny, warm place this weekend.

                            Talk to you next week - :h NS


                              The Folly of MS

                              Dear Mein,
                              Focusing on yourself sounds EXACTLY like what you should be doing right now. Removing AL from our lives is work and we need to do whatever is necessary to beat this beast. Exercise, good food, whatever makes you happy sounds like a great plan. Look forward to hearing from you next week.
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                                The Folly of MS

                                Hi MS
                                New shoes and handbag definitely trump booze!
                                There is a fantastic German course by Michel Thomas - i highly recommend it!
                                AF since Halloween 2016

                                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:

