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    UGH and ARG

    So I truly hate drinking....not really, but yea I do!

    I quit smoking 4 years ago using and chantix for a month, but drinking just seems to be harder and I don't know why....

    My counselor who helped me through my abusive relationship and therefore divroce is the one who RUNS the substance abuse program and the office I go to. She doesn't know I have fallen back into the old ways. I'd like to blame stress, I'd like to blame anything really, but it's so not true. It's me. It's in my genes, my aunt died at 42 due to drinking! I don't want to be that...

    I am starting today, pledgling to not drink for today (and it's a friday). I don't know if there's daily pledges here, if so please direct me to them. The daily pledging seemed to help with the smoking as far as holding myself accountable to others, virtual or not.

    So please wish me luck on this new journey. :new:

    UGH and ARG

    Good Luck Baby Girl Scott.. Welcome! i am just starting out again myself, Today is day 3 for me..I have found so much support here. It makes it a whole lot more bearable when you can talk to other people who are going thru exactly what you are going thru.


      UGH and ARG

      just talk to us...the Newbies Nest is a great palce to start
      we have all been where you are
      I blamed stress, a friend's suicide, being broke, job, you name it
      Ultimately, I had to admit it was me...plain and simple
      We are here for you sweetie
      I post regularly in the One Step at a Time are welcome to join our little family there
      where ever you post....JUST DO IT!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        UGH and ARG

        mama bear;1506963 wrote: just talk to us...the Newbies Nest is a great palce to start
        we have all been where you are
        I blamed stress, a friend's suicide, being broke, job, you name it
        Ultimately, I had to admit it was me...plain and simple
        We are here for you sweetie
        I post regularly in the One Step at a Time are welcome to join our little family there
        where ever you post....JUST DO IT!!
        Ditto over here too, Babygirl :l

        The link to the nest and tool box is in my signature as well...

        Stay close. Lots of help here :h
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          UGH and ARG

          Welcome Babygirl!
          We alcoholics tend to find all the excuses to drink (stress, a bad marriage, not leading the life we wanted, etc etc) but as you so nicely put it, there are none. It's our decision to drink. Many people go through hardships and don't have our problem.
          Having said all this, it's pretty courageous of you to start on a Friday! ;-)
          I myself registered a few days ago and I have a very good feeling about this website, I am even talking about it even in my European country!
          Wish you the best of luck, have a good weekend. And remember we are "here" for eachother, especially when nobody else is.


            UGH and ARG

            Hey Babygirl,

            I agree with everyone else as well. I find any excuse in the book to drink. I've been through them all in the past! I then wake up the next morning and tell myself "no more drinking tonight" and I am determined for most of the day, that is until 5pm rolls around and everything goes out the window.
            Just stick close to here. That's what I have to do. I just need to get over that one day; the first day! And I am so much more determined and optimistic. But it's that first day that kicks my ass.
            Keep posting and good luck!



              UGH and ARG

              totally relate to your story,i lapsed with smoking after 3 years!!which im gutted about!!so well done!! i to drank a lot every day!im on day 2 and believe me i never ever thought id be able to go 1 nte xx


                UGH and ARG

                People used to ask me "Why do you drink", as if there has to be some underlying trauma/stress or whatever. It's an addictive substance, which alcoholics get used to relying on and there's always a reason to drink, even if you have to make one up.

                One day at a time is a very useful technique which can be applied to all sorts of things in life.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13

