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Newbie here for the first time

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    Newbie here for the first time

    Hello all - :new:

    I'll admit it - I like to drink and when I drink, I like to drink a lot. I prefer not to drink in public but when I do because I don't want to stand out in a crowd, I always limit myself to just one drink. I like to drink alone so I can drink as much as I wish (which is usually about a pint of blended Canadian whiskey) without making a spectacle of myself.

    I've suspected that I've had a drinking problem for a while but have done a good job of hiding my problem from my wife of 10 years, friends and professional colleagues. I travel a lot and never get drink at home, preferring to do my drinking on the road tucked safely away in a motel. I never have hangovers and drinking has never affected my professional performance - I own my own company and we continue to do better each year.

    I've considered AA but I'm a prominent member of a medium sized coastal southern community and a business owner and there is nothing anonymous about AA. I respect AA as a sucessful program that has helped a lot of people but I don't want the stigma. I'm hoping to cut back on my drinking, perhaps stop my solitary drinking all together and have that occasional one drink every once in a while when I'm in a social setting.

    I look forward to making new online friends and welcome any of your suggestions. Just wondering if there are folks out there with similar stories as mine.

    Newbie here for the first time

    Hi K, Welcome you have friends here, You have yet to met but everyone is helpful. It is a good place to be. Read RJ's book take the supplements and know were here!


      Newbie here for the first time

      One day after several years, I got tired of drinking too much, much too often. Not always alone but preferably. I joined this community, read the book and started kudzu. It has been a godsend! I aim to moderate eventually, but am enjoying abstinence for now. I think you'll find this is a good and truly anonymous place to work on drinking less. Welcome!
      Mama T.
      Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


        Newbie here for the first time

        Welcome K,
        We all make that realization that we need to make a change and I am happy that you found us. You have a wonderful support system. You can do this and we will help, whatever path you choose. Just keep reading, order the book and keep posting. We will be here, night and day.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Newbie here for the first time

          Hi K and Welcome!

          Here you'll find a diverse bunch with much to offer in terms of support, experiences & wisdom. I suggest reading the book and reading the threads to get more aquainted.

          Glad you found us!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Newbie here for the first time

            Welcome KL!!

            I'm new too - just joined last week. I'm sure some of the long-time members would agree that you can use the program and support here on the boards to moderate or abstain as you choose. I am going with abstinence again (God willing and some white-knuckling too). I've never done AA for the reasons you mention, but I do believe that one needs support to stop or cut back. Glad you are here.



              Newbie here for the first time

              welcome Kunda, to echo what others have said, defiantely download and read the book and keep posting. Interesting you don't get hangovers...I used to when I was younger then they got different somehow and I stopped getting headaches from overdrinking. But then the "high" feeling stopped being so good for me. hard to describe. This is a diverse and wonderful community and I'm sure you'll find what you need.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Newbie here for the first time

                Welcome Kundalinda.
                It's good to have you with us.


                  Newbie here for the first time


                  You will find lots of help and support here, :new: too. Been here for a few weeks now, where normally I would have been drinking loads most of it, I notice I have cut down. I'm just waiting for my vitamins and supps. to get here to help me get over this too. My goal is to moderate..1 to 2 and be able to stop.


                    Newbie here for the first time

                    Hi K and welcome....

                    When I found this site I was desperate... loved a drink.. didn't care weather it was in public ... hey party time... or private... always an excuse for a booze up.. I wont go into amounts of wine I drank.. but let's just say it has really taken me 12 months to get control again of my life...

                    Like you I can drink and work .. I use to get up in the morning and manage a business with staff and a massive turnover annually in $ and no-one knew about the booze... except me..

                    I was over treating myself so poorly.. now with the help of this site... I'm truly back on track and have made some great friends..

                    I look forward to chatting with you too.


                    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


                      Newbie here for the first time

                      Hi Kunda, welcome. Hope you have been reading past threads and posts here, if so then you will see that we are 'the same' but all so very different with different experiences and styles of drinking but drinkers we are. I am so glad for you to have found this site, it has changed my life, my outlook and my hope. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

                      Lorna xx
                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

