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Meds without prescription

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    Meds without prescription

    Still trying !!!
    AF 25th June2014

    Meds without prescription

    damo180;1507374 wrote: Hi all ,
    Can you get anything to help with cravings in chemist, without prescription , just for the next few days until i visit doc , desperate to stay af tonight and tomorrow , probably will anyway , but if i could get anything at all , it may help.
    As predicted , my addiction has worsened .
    Wake up every morning promising myself , this is it , but by 6.00 have strongest cravings ever.
    Going to docs monday and am considering antebuse.
    Thanking you in advance,

    Damo in dublin
    You could try L-glutamine, or kudzu. L-Glutamine is available in the sports section of Holland and Barretts. It's mostly harmless, just a concentrated amino acid, very good for immune system and sugar levels.

    Apart from that I'd try and get whatever you can from your Dr, it's easier, simpler and cheaper. They may however insist you go see the local drug and alcohol team, that won't seem helpful BUT it's because GPs generally have zilch experience with the meds, and they also want to make sure they aren't dishing out what can be deadly pills into the wrong hands.

    Try get some L-Glut(a 24 hr ASDA may just have it too, I know they have started stocking sports stuff but whatever you do do not go near the booze aisle), and keep posting on here.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13

