Hello All,
Free - great to hear you've had a good trip and still enjoying AF living! Looking forward to catching up on your glamourous life!

UN - I have never felt anything on AB - and really only keep it around as a backup. I think I took one once during my first week to solidify my committment, and then last week. I keep some with me in my purse in case I ever feel weak while traveling. So, for me it's just a reinforcement. For all I know it could be a placebo because I've never felt a thing from taking one. But it deters any thoughts from entering my mind. That's just how it's worked for me. If I go on vacation, I'd bring some along...again in case I feel AL sneaking into my brain. I didn't need them on my last vacation - but they were there in case I wanted to cut out any mental tug of war. However, it only works with momentary weakness. For me, if I've decided to drink again in the past it's usually been something I've thought about and decided I'd try moderating in which case I of course would have stopped taking anything a week or so before hand. So in that situation Antabuse really is not a deterrant! So, it's good for any "impulsive" or "why not just one" behavior, but not when I've really thought I want to try drinking again. That's been my experience! Hope it helps.

It's a rainy day here and I'm swamped as usual at work! I guess that's better than having the sun shining outside while stuck in the office.
Have a great AF day all!