SL:l:l:l sorry you're going through a tough time. And don't ever apologize for venting. I think it's really healthy even if its just in a post. Helps us sort of work things out in our minds. Sounds like you'll be better off after the divorce if for no other reason than to feel untethered to a bad situation. I hope things go ok at the parents house. Are they alkies? Just wondering if you could open up at all about what you're going through with alcohol?? I think it helps to involve family and close friends, but not sure if that's right for your situation or not?? Anyway, hope all goes well. Sounds like the really good news in all this is that you have a great job! THAT'S lucky! So many people are in what I call soul-killing jobs. Well, you may not even see this post if you're already out of pocket, but just wanted to tell you we are good listeners if you need to vent some more!
Alls, did my little 3 mile slog today - was inspired to get out there when I thought of your dedication!
Marhall, you're sounding great, bud. So glad you're still checking in. There is strength in numbers and feeling like we have friends here who get it!
FF, :l enjoy the massage! I'm jealous!!
Have a great weekend everyone.