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I don't feel so alone now!

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    I don't feel so alone now!

    Wow, I stumbled across this site and I am so excited to read the raw honesty from people!!

    I finally broke down to my doctor today and asked for help, I'm sick of feeling bloated and disgusting, sick of not experiencing an amazing life that at people have, just things like going to a gym rather than having to get home for a drink...... That would be amazing!! I've done it before, felt like magic, know its amazing to be af but I break down and blame living on my own, loneliness, boredom!!!
    So I'm starting on Campral tomorrow..... Of course I'm having a drink now to say goodbye to my good friend but OMG I am so ready to be sober, I dream of marriage and kids but that's not realistic when I'm killing myself with the amount of alcohol I consume!!!
    Can't wait to read more!

    I don't feel so alone now!

    :welcome: LLL!

    You have come to the best place to get this done. It is great you are working with a Dr.!

    The Newbies Nest is a good place to have as a home base at the beginning. If you haven't found it yet, the link is given below, as is one to the Toolbox, which is full of useful tips.

    Glad you are here and I hope to see you in the Nest.

    :h NS


      I don't feel so alone now!

      Recovery seems to take that raw honesty TBH, first with yourself, then it easily follows with our fellow human beings.

      Welcome to MWO, as No Sugar says the best place to start is Newbies Nest, where you can settle in for a good period of abstainance and share the journey with others in the early stage of their quit.


        I don't feel so alone now!

        Thanks!! I've been wanting help so badly but way too embarrassed to tell anyone around me! At leat here I can be honest and there are so many great stories here, I'm looking forward to posting my af days!!


          I don't feel so alone now!

          Welcome L L and L, You have come to a great place.The newbies nest is fantastic! Great people at various stages of their quit. You can be honest here,there will allways be someone to chat to and offer advice. It can be done. I visited my GP almost 13 days ago and here I am today sober. I had to be completely honest with myself. I can't drink AL,I can't moderate it. For me there is only one way;to never drink again. Good Luck.Post read and post some more.there will allways be someone here.:goodjob::goodjob:


            I don't feel so alone now!

            Yay Hadit!! You are an inspiration! This place Ives me hope while I hide he truth from my family and friends!! I want to live though, I know doing housewrk, walking my dogs and then sitting in bed drinkingisnt a life but here I am...... Tomorrow I'm starting af!! How is it I can quit smoking no dramas it alcohol???? I hate this!!!


              I don't feel so alone now!

              LL and L, YOU can do this!! Others have,I intend to get al out of my life for ever!! See you tomorrow on DAY 1 .:l :l


                I don't feel so alone now!


                Welcome LLL! Have only been actively using MWO for three weeks, and I think it's wonderful! That's exactly how i feel, like i'm no longer alone in the struggle to be AF. And i wish you well with the Campral; it's really helped me!

                'see' you in the nest again soon,


                  I don't feel so alone now!

                  MW How are you doing?


                    I don't feel so alone now!

                    Hey everyone!! Day 1 nearly over I'm ok, probably a bit anxious waiting for some withdrawals although I have a cold so maybe I won't be able to tell the withdrawals from my flu symptoms!!! Please can I sleep too.... Guess I'm about to find out!!
                    I don't know what Campral is meant to do yet but I'm not feeling like a drink, find it interesting that i notice the tv ads for all the booze now though!!! Not because I'm thinking about drinking, more because I'm understanding how we tend to have reminders about alcohol thrown at us through tv, magazines, newspapers, sport!!
                    Hope everyone else is feeling good, can't wait to check in tomorrow!!


                      I don't feel so alone now!

                      Well done LL and L, Yes, you do notice the amount of advertising around. Its insane that we push so hard for people to drink poison! Its just crap! See you tomorrow on Day 2 and well done!


                        I don't feel so alone now!

                        WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I'm at work, woke up after a pretty deep sleep and yes, I've got a headache but oh well, its not going to be rosy every day at the start!!
                        Since I woke up hangover free I dabced around this morning with my fur kiddies to some music and gave them cuddles amd realised how nice it is to feel everything wothout still feeling drunk or having a hangover!!!!!!! Bring on day 2, I'm expecting some lows but I'm kepping positive!


                          I don't feel so alone now!

                          Night 2..... I don't know if it's the Campral but I'm not craving AL..... I had 1 fleeting moment today where I thought about how I'm usually stopping to get drinks on the way home but quickly snapped out of it...... I just feel so bloated but I think it's more my body was getting to saturation point since I got to the point where 2 bottles of wine and 3/4 of a bottle of vodka still couldn't make me sick enough to do it again.... Then again!!! No wonder my tummy is sore and swollen!!!
                          2 days AF, haven't done hat since Xmas!!!!!


                            I don't feel so alone now!

                            Well done LL and L, will talk to you tommorrow Day 3!!! Stay strong.:goodjob::goodjob:


                              I don't feel so alone now!

                              WOW!!!!!! Woke up with terrible headache!!!!!!!!!!! The Campral seems to have taken that away though!!
                              Feeling a bit emotionally raw but going to battle through!! I'm actually looking forward to an AF weekend, that will be the test though, normally living on my own bored out of my brain I end up drinking.... it isnt like I couldn't make my house sparkle, I've even noticed my furkids are loving me being sober, they can't get enough attention (maybe they were like that before but I was too drunk!!)
                              Happy days peeps!! Hope you all have wonderful days

