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Here I go again.

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    Here I go again.

    it is getting better UN, have slept the last 2 nights without sleeping pills so I'm happy about that! How many days are you up to now this time around? Hope it's going well for you too.


      Here I go again.

      Downunder, that's fantastic!

      I'm on day 10 and wow, I just can't tell you how wonderful I feel (after a lovely night's sleep). If I don't sleep, my life is torture the next day. It's probably my single biggest motivator to not drink. I'm also really understanding, though, (on a very deep level this go-round) that I'm not missing out by giving up alcohol - only gaining. Somehow when I quit for the seven months and then started again I don't think I had truly internalized that feeling. I didn't start again because anything stressful happened to me - just calmly picked up again.

      I hope this is your quit - you just can't believe that life can be better without alcohol, but it truly is. Somehow we have to do it in our own time, so I hope this is yours! I feel like it's mine.

      Best to you on this journey - again so happy for you that you slept without pills!!



        Here I go again.

        I hope this is the last time too UN, it's getting harder to do it everytime. Congrats on doing 7 months though, that's quite an achievement. At least you know you can do it and your liver would have had a bit of recovery time.
        This is go number 3 for me and I've never gotten past 3 months before. I have a feeling this time that it's for the long run.
        Here's to another day done!

