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    I'm here because I need to change
    I need to stop drinking and stop thinking I can be. A Social drinker
    But I can't stop once I start
    I need help on how to stop especially when I live with drinkers
    I need. To know how to and what to do to stop the urge


    You have flown into the best possible place if you are ready to clean out the coop! We have ALL been led around by the short feathers by AL! I will steer you to a couple places and the links to both are in my signature line below...The Newbie's Nest is a great place to talk with others about getting your journey underway! We have folks in all stages of quitting. It is an active thread and you will find much support there....go to the last page for the most current. Also the Tool Box is chocked full of information about this thing we share. There are 100's of tips and coping skills to help you thru these first challenging days. It's good reading! Welcome aboard and hope to see you over in the nest!! If an old drunk like me can get sober, I know a young strapping chook like you can, too!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest



      Hi, Chook,

      Welcome! This site truly is a blessing to me. I suggest reading lots, posting and finding posters whose philosophies and actions you want. Personal message people. Get involved. A bunch of good folks here are happily willing to share and guide.

      I'm glad you're here.




        Hello & welcome Chook

        The one thing that really helped me in the beginning was learning to ignore what was in other people's glasses. I wanted to stop drinking so I had to concentrate on myself

        The best thing to do is make a commitment to stop, make a good plan using the ideas in the Tool box & don't let anything or anyone interfere. Make your sobriety your #1 priority & you will reach your goals. You can do it, lots of us have!

        Please drop in the Newbies nest for ongoing support ~ always someone new there!
        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Hi Chook,

          Just wanted to welcome you and second the motion of posting in the Newbie's Nest and reading in the Tool Box (Byrdie's links). Lots of daily support in the Nest.

          I was able to be 7 months sober by reading and posting here every day and am just now back after mistakenly thinking I could drink moderately. I went from being a daily drinker to drinking like you - not daily but binging. If you start reading a lot here, you'll see the same story over and over. Most who have tried to drink socially after they already reached the problem levels weren't able to turn back the clock. The good news is that if you can make it to the other side and rid your life of alcohol (which is a poison by the way) will be so much better off. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. Do yourself a favor and try to figure it out before you waste so much time and beat up you body!

          Living with and being around drinkers can be daunting especially at first. Is it possible that those people might be willing not to drink around you at least for a while? Or could you avoid them at those certain times when they drink? It would be best if you could be honest with them about what you're going through. But, if you're just not there yet, you'll have to think of another way. Again, post in the Nest, read the Toolbox, and you'll get some good ideas.

          Best of luck - we are all here to help. Just get involved, try to avoid situations that will tempt you when you can, try different things and stay determined. It's not easy, but I know it's worth it because I've been in both places and being sober will give you a much better life.

          I remember thinking before that even if I could drink moderately, I would choose sobriety. I'm already back to that mind set. You can get there too but it does take work. But, what things that are worthwhile come easy if you think about it?!!




            Welcome Chook,

            I agree with Byrdie, Lav, and UW. you will find a great support team here with lots of good advice and tips to help from past experiences.

            The only thing I can add is get up with your non-drinking friends and stay busy during your past drinking hours. If you don't have any, as I didn't in the early days, get on here until the time has passed.

            Good Luck, a sober life is one worth living, and enjoying every moment.

            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:



              Hi shook, well this is a great site,Lt is worth coming here everyday,the days you don't the thoughts seem to creep in more,l,m now 52 days sober ,first time trying ,loving that l can do it,never thought l would,but so happy to prove myself wrong,l like reading all the stories and getting advice ,it's the site to be on,good luck and you can do it,we all need people to help support us ,if you don't like being seen than on line is best,one day at a time good work coming here,you will succeed,all the best see you around the board!



                Chook;1508200 wrote: I'm here because I need to change
                I need to stop drinking and stop thinking I can be. A Social drinker
                But I can't stop once I start
                I need help on how to stop especially when I live with drinkers
                I need. To know how to and what to do to stop the urge

                Dear Chook,

                I can't stop drinking once I start either. There are countless numbers of us who are "wired" in exactly this way. Once alcohol hits our brain, we are gone -- done for!! It can be very frightening to be so out of control.

                I was feeling complete despair when I found the My Way Out website. I feel your despair, too. There is hope, Chook, lots of hope. Truly there is!!

                You have already heard this, but I will repeat it because it is what helped me: read and post daily on Newbies Nest and explore the Toolbox. You will find the encouragement, information and support that you seek.

                We are All in this together.

                I am so happy that you are here. Welcome!! :colorwelcome:
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA



                  g'day Chook!

                  A big warm welcome to you.

                  Best wishes on your journey friend. You can do anything you set your mind to.....anything

                  G bloke.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

