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Fed up useless...

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    Fed up useless...

    I am sick and tired...I am literally tired & not feeling well (chronic sinus trouble) but what is really dragging me down is I cant stop eating & drinking. I am getting fatter and fatter I feel useless and I just keep on eating & drinking...about1 bottle of wine a night...I lost a lot of weight 7 years ago and stayed steady for 5 years but it is going up & up & up...what other damage could I be doing drinking like I am? My recent LFTs were wnl...just feel like going for a very long sleep...

    Fed up useless...

    Hey there... maybe you should get outside for a little walk? Some fresh air might do you good... I know it might seem hard to do, but staying inside alone is not going to do you much good this afternoon.

    Remember, doing 'something' is always better than doing nothing...... right? Sorry to hear you are in a funk. I totally understand though.... you are worth it!
    March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
    May 29: back to day 1
    June: The battle continues......


      Fed up useless...

      Mayzay, Hi and welcome:welcome:

      What's happening in your world to push you it his direction? Your situation sounds identical to mine several years ago and then it all went down hill...a car accident and move were my 2 main catalysts for sending myself into oblivion day after day...
      Please pop to the nest and tool box when u can. Links are in my signature.
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Fed up useless...

        Welcome Mayzay,

        Sorry to hear of your down mood, ltlw is right get outside, take a stroll, start a hobby, anything worth having is worth working for. I worked for years at being a drunk, and gaining weight and I was the best. Now I have been sober for 19 days and counting.

        It's hard to get going but once you do you begin to feel better, look better, and life is worth living. You are off to a great start here at MWO, there are lots of great supportive people here at all stages in recovery. Check out the Newbies Nest it's always busy.

        Best Wishes,
        Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


          Fed up useless...

          Hi, Mayzay

          I can't quite tell from your post -- are you ready to stop drinking? It can be done -- there are many examples of successful, sober people here -- but you have to really want it. You have to be willing to make getting off of alcohol your # 1 priority -- even your desire to lose weight needs to be put on hold for awhile. This is too important and it takes concentration, time, and effort.

          I hope you are ready to make a plan and stick to it. It is so worth it
          , Mayzay, and best of all, there are many people here to help you. The toolbox is full of good ideas for making and sticking with a
          Get Off AL
          plan. If you hang out in the Newbies Nest, there almost always is someone around to bounce ideas off of and get some feedback.

          Keep reading and posting -- if you aren't quite ready yet, those activities will help change your brain -- willl help make you ready for what can be the best change you ever made.

          Hope to see you posting in the nest!! :h NS


            Fed up useless...

            Thanks folks and sorry I sound such a mump...I am a very busy person I work 5 mornings in a nursery, run a mums & tots group in the afternoon voluntarily, do lots of youth work with the church, have 2 teenagers and a 2 year old and an 18 year marriage. I have lots of friends, 2 dogs and a cat, am soon to be moving to a house I really like, I sing, write childrens church material etc etc etc ...I am really so very blessed - that is why I dont understand why I am so destructive to myself physically! I will try to figure out how to check out stuff in the newbies nest. I feel that I want to stop drinking but then I guess I need to question my motivation...Thanks again though for all your responses...I first came on here to check out baclofen...guess maybe that's the quick fix seeker in me-what do you think?


              Fed up useless...

              Hi Mayzay
              There really are no "quick fixes" for alcoholism, unfortuneatley. I was like you....drinking a bottle of wine and then some on occasion and eating lots and getting bigger and bigger and bigger. When I decided I had had enough of the constant turmoil that alcohol brought into my life, I stopped drinking and by doing that, I became a much more mindful eater. My eating got healthier and I cut down on portion sizes.....I haven't turned into the slender beauty I once was, but I feel a heck of a lot better and some pounds have come off but SLOWLY (damn menopause!!!)
              Good luck!
              I just won't anymore


                Fed up useless...

                Hi, again .

                You could post in the Meds thread or read Bac posts there. It seems to be a great tool for many people but I don't know too much about it.

                Like you, I have a busy, 'nice' life so the self-destructive behavior made no sense to me, either.

                I've figured out some of my issues, with the great help of MWO friends, but regardless of the 'whys', the fact is that AL is a highly addictive but socially accepted/promoted substance that the majority of adults expose themselves to. It really isn't surprising that some of us get trapped. The trick is getting free! I think that if you use all that MWO offers, Mayzay, you can do it!

                The link to the Newbies Nest is given below. Just go to the last page for the most recent posts. Then maybe go back several pages to get to know the people who have been posting there lately.

                Have a great day!


                  Fed up useless...

                  Hi Mayzay
                  I could have written that post three weeks ago (see my post in Just starting out if you have time). All I can say is, you will feel a huge improvement after just a day or two of not drinking... You'll get a good nights sleep and things will start to look a bit brighter.
                  How about aiming for 30 days alcohol free?
                  You can do this!
                  Hugs x
                  AF since Halloween 2016

                  Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:

