So this morning marks day #2 of my sobriety. I got rid of the rest of my wine last night and informed everyone I know that I will no longer be drinking. I know that is where I have gone wrong in the past, being too ashamed to own up to my addiction I didn't tell anyone I was quitting. With no way to be held accountable it was impossible to stay sober. So, here I am, checking in for the day. My plan is to check in everyday from here on out and post updates on my progress.
Yesterday I was pretty depressed. My husband isn't convinced yet that I will stay sober. I've broken so many promises in the past that this isn't surprising. I suppose I can only prove to him through my actions at this point that I am sincere. I feel more hopeful today, though I would be fairly content to just stay in bed indefinitely... My self-esteem and self-worth are almost non-existent at this point. I feel I can't even trust myself at times - though those were almost always times when I was drunk, so hopefully that will change.
Well, time to get some coffee and get to work. Thank you for all the support on my initial post yesterday - I need all I can get!