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how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

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    how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

    hey, i'm new here and doing some research. my friend and I have been studying behavior design and habit formation for many years. I'm sure many of you have read Power of Habit (and if you haven't, you should!).

    we are working on an app to help people reach their personal goals. one thing we've learned is that we as humans have a tendency to set HUGE goals for ourselves -- we're taught all of our lives to "shoot for the stars". But the inevitable usually happens. We bang our head against a wall struggling to achieve those goals because they are too big. Instead of succeeding and building momentum slowly overtime, we've set ourselves up for failure and feelings of defeat out of the gates.

    New behavior science suggests we should forget everything they were taught about "Dreaming Big". Instead, we should start by doing something so small we can't fail and associate the behavior to a matching cue, or routine, we already do in our daily life so practicing becomes an automatic reflex. Here's an example:

    "After I turn off the TV, do just 2 push ups."

    Love to hear about how you've successfully or unsuccessfully created new lifestyle changes in your life, techniques, etc. And also, the app we're building is totally free so if you have time to try our method -- would love feedback on that too. Search for "HabitSpark" on iTunes (

    You can also reach out to me on Twitter, @colin.

    how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

    guess thats why AA has 'one day at a time'?
    A saying thats been aimed at alkies for quite a few years now!

    'Smell the roses' is another old saying - different - but equally as important to slow down.


      how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

      and also don't forget that all of us here are trying to break the power of habit.

      Have you got ethical approval for this research???


        how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

        breaking habits is definitely a can of worms. while overcoming the complex issues associated to things like alcoholism or smoking, the really important thing is that we also work to introduce new healthy habits. instead of drinking sodas everyday to substitue a drink, make sure to pick up a few glasses of water. one of my favorites is, "After I use this restroom, I do 2 pushups"... and then wash my hands! That ends up being almost 12 pushups a day.

        i admit i'll smoke a cigarette every now and then socially, but i also take fish oil daily, exercise / yoga, cook my own meals, and try to avoid fast food (unless i'm on a road trip!). the point is, i think it's wrong to punish ourselves to the point of starvation, but it's even worse to not balance it out with healthy lifestyle choices.


          how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

          colinanthony;1510108 wrote: hey, i'm new here and doing some research. my friend and I have been studying behavior design and habit formation for many years. I'm sure many of you have read Power of Habit (and if you haven't, you should!).

          we are working on an app to help people reach their personal goals. one thing we've learned is that we as humans have a tendency to set HUGE goals for ourselves -- we're taught all of our lives to "shoot for the stars". But the inevitable usually happens. We bang our head against a wall struggling to achieve those goals because they are too big. Instead of succeeding and building momentum slowly overtime, we've set ourselves up for failure and feelings of defeat out of the gates.

          New behavior science suggests we should forget everything they were taught about "Dreaming Big". Instead, we should start by doing something so small we can't fail and associate the behavior to a matching cue, or routine, we already do in our daily life so practicing becomes an automatic reflex. Here's an example:

          "After I turn off the TV, do just 2 push ups."

          Love to hear about how you've successfully or unsuccessfully created new lifestyle changes in your life, techniques, etc. And also, the app we're building is totally free so if you have time to try our method -- would love feedback on that too. Search for "HabitSpark" on iTunes (

          You can also reach out to me on Twitter, @colin.
          First of all I wish you luck with your app.

          You are in forum full of experts on the power of habit ! :H:H. We wrote the book!

          The only certain thing you might learn here is that addicts tend to be 'all or nothing' people, the diametric opposite of the people you are trying to incentivise.

          There are some here that learn to moderate their alcohol intake and they may have useful input for you. However most who quit HAVE to 'dream big' to succeed.

          In my case I had to practice healthier habits.
          Once sobriety is achieved it was the case that 'nature abhors a vacuum' and new habits flood in to fill the space once occupied by drinking. These take time and are as many and varied as the personalities populating the forum. I took up exercise as the years of drinking have lead to weight problems and lethargy well in excess of the normal population IMO.

          These new habits are usually healthy, less so by intention than the simple truth that from the pits of alcoholism 'the only way is up'


            how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

            colinanthony;1510108 wrote: ...hey, i'm new here and doing some research.

            New behavior science suggests we should forget everything they were taught about "Dreaming Big". Instead, we should start by doing something so small we can't fail and associate the behavior to a matching cue, or routine, we already do in our daily life so practicing becomes an automatic reflex...
            Hey Colin,

            My best guess is that you are not afflicted with alcoholism. If you were, you would know that we are not able to "start by doing something so small we can't fail" (moderate alcohol). It just does not work. Countless numbers of us have tried. We are required to make a total commitment to ourselves and to sobriety and never look back. This requires a combination of despair and hope. It is imperative that we support each other in the process. The MWO website helps to provide this support. Really, there is no "practicing." We completely stop drinking or remain trapped in the compulsion of alcoholism.

            Thanks for checking in with us. ~
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

              I was once told by a psychologist to chose 2 days a week when I could allow myself to drink, and not have anything the other days. Therefore I would be cutting back but still have the drink to look forward to.
              It lasted for a week and a half. The thing is the mind takes over and tells you that you may as well have a drink on the other days too seeing as that is what you want. And who is going to stop you?
              No matter how many times I have allowed myself to drink again after a period of sobriety I always go back to full on drinking. No such thing as moderation for me, it's the alcohol in control, not the person.
              I can be very in control when I need to be but this just doesn't work, perhaps it will for some but I guess they wouldn't necessarily be in this position anyway.
              Perhaps a psychologist might be able to give you more ideas on what you are after anyway, can't hurt to try.
              Good luck with your project


                how do you all create new healthy habits in your life?

                Wow, great posts here MWOers. You guys have described our dilemma to a T. Compliments to your articulate grasp of addiction.


