we are working on an app to help people reach their personal goals. one thing we've learned is that we as humans have a tendency to set HUGE goals for ourselves -- we're taught all of our lives to "shoot for the stars". But the inevitable usually happens. We bang our head against a wall struggling to achieve those goals because they are too big. Instead of succeeding and building momentum slowly overtime, we've set ourselves up for failure and feelings of defeat out of the gates.
New behavior science suggests we should forget everything they were taught about "Dreaming Big". Instead, we should start by doing something so small we can't fail and associate the behavior to a matching cue, or routine, we already do in our daily life so practicing becomes an automatic reflex. Here's an example:
"After I turn off the TV, do just 2 push ups."
Love to hear about how you've successfully or unsuccessfully created new lifestyle changes in your life, techniques, etc. And also, the app we're building is totally free so if you have time to try our method -- would love feedback on that too. Search for "HabitSpark" on iTunes (goo.gl/dmOV6).
You can also reach out to me on Twitter, @colin.