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    Hello all.

    I have lurked on this site for, oh, ages. The ?you know you?re an alcoholic when? page ... oh lordy. I?m tired of rotating liquor stores and corner delis and still being known as the Pinot Grigio Lady or the Sauza Silver Lady or the Bud Light Lady. I?m in my fifties and tired of this trip. Tired of missing deadlines (I?m a freelancer). Tired of waking up in the wee hours in a panic wondering what I said on Facebook or emailed someone. (When I was young I was a happy sexy drunk but as time went by I turned into a sometimes mean drunk and lost friends because of it).

    I always drank too much but everything took a major downturn a few years ago when my mother died. I just couldn?t cope, and I withdrew. And then my boyfriend left me for someone else. And then I almost got evicted. And then this and that and this and that ... just a downward spiral. I feel like such a weakling for always turning to alcohol, because it gives me that (false) feeling of ?everything?s going to be okay.?

    It?s funny because when I do manage to get a few sober days under my belt, the ?everything?s going to be okay? feeling is even more euphoric - it?s like the heavens open up and I?m like, wow, I have no desire to ever drink again! But then some Thing happens, and I crash and reach for the bottle and the whole cycle begins again.

    Hello all.

    Welcome Nessie...I can so relate to your story...Newbie nest is a great place to learn and meet folks.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Hello all.

      Hi Nessie
      hope you join us in the newbies nest.Don't drink just One day at a time. The days add up and you start feeling better before you know it.
      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


        Hello all.

        Hi Nessie and :welcome: to MWO.

        If you have been lurking a while then I am sure the nest is familiar to you. It is a safe place to settle in and get some sober time.

        I hope you spend plenty of time reading here and post loads, it really helps.

        Any queries just shout out.


          Hello all.

          Hey Nessie... well perhaps it goes without saying that your first could have largely been written by me or many of MWO members. Good to see you hear and look forward to hearing more from you. As Kuya says, post loads, it does help and ask, ask, ask questions too if you have them.

          Oh, and pop into the Newbies Nest - darn good place to start - as is the Tool Thread.


            Hello all.

            :welcome: Nessie!

            There are many women in their 50s on MWO, several of whom are kicking this addiction. We would love to have you join us! The "second half" of our lives can be so much healthier and happier .

            If you are a freelancer, perhaps you work from your home, like I do. That can be a blessing and a curse in terms of on the one hand, freedom and flexibility, but on the other, it is fairly easy to drink secretly.

            Glad you started posting!


              Hello all.

              Thanks everyone!

              Yes NoSugar, I work at home and it does make it easy to drink. I have become a virtual recluse over the last few years, hiding my Big Secret. Old friends invite me to things and I don't go because I have aged so terribly and I feel they would be shocked at my appearance. (And then because I'm depressed that I've ruined my looks with drink, I ... drink.) I did accept a brunch invitation from an old friend recently though, and as I was reaching for my orange juice I embarrassedly realized I had "the shakes" and that she'd noticed it. Oy.


                Hello all.

                OMG, we need to start a work from home support thread.

                Welcome Nessie!!
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Hello all.

                  Siren136;1511806 wrote: OMG, we need to start a work from home support thread.

                  Welcome Nessie!!
                  Hi, Siren

                  I didn't know you were at home even after you got your promotion. It sounds like you are doing so well and even coming off the AB as a daily thing. I'm so happy for you -- you really sound good in your posts.

                  All the best to you, NS


                    Hello all.

                    Nessie;1511772 wrote: Thanks everyone!

                    Yes NoSugar, I work at home and it does make it easy to drink. I have become a virtual recluse over the last few years, hiding my Big Secret. Old friends invite me to things and I don't go because I have aged so terribly and I feel they would be shocked at my appearance. (And then because I'm depressed that I've ruined my looks with drink, I ... drink.) I did accept a brunch invitation from an old friend recently though, and as I was reaching for my orange juice I embarrassedly realized I had "the shakes" and that she'd noticed it. Oy.
                    Dear Nessie,

                    Greetings and Welcome!!

                    I had a Big Secret to hide, too, for about five years. I also became a recluse, of sorts. I was a beer drinker -- lots and lots of beer -- so my weight doubled in about 18 months. Crazy, I know!! Of course, I was mortified about my appearance and did not want people to see me. Yet I couldn't find a way to stop drinking. So I would go to classes and then come straight home. I did all of my homework AT HOME so that I could hide and drink beer. Despair became a way of life.

                    I stumbled across the MWO website in late December and stopped drinking on January 1st. I found information, support, and love in Newbies Nest. No one is more amazed than me that I have been able to maintain my sobriety. I am so very grateful to All in The Nest!! You know, it doesn't take all that long to start looking and feeling better. The body is a working miracle that will heal if given half a chance. I am not yet back to a healthy weight, but I am getting closer every day. My skin, which used to be so blotchy and puffy, looks much better. And my eyes have gone from a horrible yellow hue to white.

                    I am more outgoing now. I don't hide from my neighbors. I have connected with some old friends and I have made a few new friends. Life is amazingly better without alcohol.

                    I am happy that you are here!! :colorwelcome:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Hello all.

                      Yes, NS for the time being they are still letting me work from home. It's a deal breaker for me - if they want me then they need to let me work from home. I live too far from the office to commute every day.

                      Thanks, I feel very strong against AL - other things, not so much. I'm working to sort that all out, though.
                      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                        Hello all.

                        Welcome Nessie and Judy! This is a great spot to find people with lots in common and to kick your addiction to the curb. :welcome:


                          Hello all.

                          Hi Nessie how are you making out? Haven't seen a post in a while.
                          judy welcome. Check out the newbies nest, see link below and the toolbox. You will find lots of good info here.
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread

